Chapter 18

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It turns out nothing was wrong she just had the same thing she had a home she was now condemned to bed rest and nothing more depending on nurses so I went home to get good sleep. Cam came with me he was scared to leave me alone. I went to bed upstairs in my own room but I left my door open. I woke up 20 minutes later screaming I don't even remember my dream but now I don't want to be alone. Cams sleeping I can hear him but I'm in tears scared of everything that I don't know. "Cam" I scream he must hear me. I hear him shuffle he must be close the baby's room? My moms been sleeping in the guest room maybe he's ther I scream one more time. This time he is up I can hear him run to me. "Baby what's wrong it's okay your okay shhh I'm crying into his chest I think this is the worse it has gotten ever. "I'm scared Cam" he rubs my back and doesn't say anything and I'm still sniffling. I go to stand up and grabs my hand. Clingy but I love it I can't get enough of him. I smile at him and grab my clothes for a shower and grab some of his clothes for Cam. "What am j supposed to take a shower?" He asks like an idiot " well yeah.... Here is some clothes and we can go by your house on the way back if you want and you can change" " that's up to though. Your gas your truck" I think yeah it would make him more comfy. We only have known each other for almost three weeks but I want more of him. I play with the bottom of his shirt and he holds my hands. Maybe he does too?

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