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You know, when I came to England, I expected a nice time studying abroad with tea and crumpets.

Instead, I found myself having a mental breakdown.

Everyone thought it was schizophrenia, and being I had just really started diving into my PhD to get it done, the stress factor of school increased by a lot. And apparently it's not super uncommon for college students with schizophrenia genes to have a mental breakdown such as mine. I don't know if I have the genes required, but the breakdown implied the possibility.

Either way, I ended up hearing things. Voices- lots of them. Luckily no visual hallucinations, simply auditory, but it didn't do much to help my case.

I went to get meds for it. Those just ended up making me feel worse, and the meds didn't even do jack-shit for the voices. But the weirdest part about my voices is the fact that they're always right, and they're about the weirdest things.

For example, one day while I was in class, I singled out a voice over the rest that ended up saying: "Time for a pop quiz! Should be easy, depending on whether or not these kids actually pay attention to my lectures." It sounded exactly like my professor, and next thing I knew- boom! He was handing out pop-quizzes! It was pretty easy, but still. How often is an auditory hallucination right?

Another example. One time I heard a voice say: "I can't believe I have to deal with all of these stupid people all the time. Oh, here comes the next one! Bet they want to order something stereotypical, like a caramel macchiato or some shit." I approached the girl at the register, and she asked me, "Hi and welcome to Starbucks! What would you like to order?" I was floored- her voice was the exact same as the one that I'd heard. She hadn't been opening her mouth, so it hadn't been her who had actually said it. But before I could stop myself, I joked, "Well, I don't want a caramel macchiato, that's for sure!" I laughed, and she tried to laugh along, but I could tell she was taken aback by my words.

It could have been my imagination, but I could have sworn she looked nervous. Then, in a whisper, I heard, "Holy shit did I say that out loud?" But her mouth didn't move and she still maintained a strained smile, awaiting my order.

That one could be a bit more coincidental, but I digress. Stuff like this has happened to me all the time. I'm starting to think it might be some mind reading stuff, like telepathy, but that sounds crazier than just saying I have schizophrenia. Doctors are still trying to prescribe meds for me, but I just can't stand them. I tried them, but they don't work. So, I stopped taking them after awhile.

But, of course, I just had to have a meltdown. All the doctors blamed it on the fact I wasn't taking the meds, but they weren't even working! That might seem like a dumb excuse, but all they did was make me feel like I was sick and tired all the time- it just didn't feel worth it.

I was in my dorm when it happened. Well, I was outside of my dorm when it started, but it all got so loud I ended up locking myself in my dorm. My roommate ended up finding me and calling the hospital, and when they realized I hadn't gone completely catatonic, they put me into the mental hospital.

While I was there, I met a man- he was always in a wheelchair. Never knew why- he could move his legs and never expressed having back or leg problems, but who knows. It's not my place to dig. But he told me stories about Egypt, its mythology, and Ammit's glory- one of the Egyptian goddesses, apparently. I didn't believe any of it, obviously, but it was entertaining. It really helped keep my mind off of things and distract me from all the shit I was going through.

It... It sucked that he seemed to truly believe all of the things he was saying, but hey. Psychosis will do that to you. Or, at least, that's what I think it was.

Then, one day, some guy in an Irish cap speaking Spanish came by and took him right out of the hospital, rolling him past me while Arthur sat in the wheelchair, unaware and likely still dreamy from being drugged. The man with the Irish cap made eye contact with me. His gaze sent chills down my spine. I didn't hear whatever was going on in that head of his, luckily for me. Whatever it was, I don't think I would have wanted to hear it. Or maybe it would have been puppies and kittens, hell if I know. But I had a feeling that wasn't the case. I didn't see either of them again after that.

I spent a good few weeks there before they discharged me, since they deemed me to be no harm to others or myself.

I got a job the moment I could- it ended up being at this small coffee shop that didn't have the best reputation but hey, if it would hire a recently discharged asylum patient, I'm sure they would have to be a little bit odd. I got a small apartment for myself with some of what I'd made from working there, but not without the help of my parents too- how else would I be able to afford it? And how would I be able to study abroad for a doctorate? I'd gotten some scholarships, sure, but they weren't enough to get me everything. My parents are pretty rich due to their whole business in America. It's amazing, even if they're not able to be in my life all the time because of it. But back to the point.

I got an apartment all to myself, which was a first. I got a part time job, which was the first in a very long time. And I found a friend, which was also a first in... well, it's been awhile, to say the least.


This is still under HEAVY editing so read with caution. Thanks! :)

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