Chapter 9

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You awoke early in the morning. The room was still nearly pitch black and dead silent, but when you got up and peeked out the window, you saw the sky was still a dim blue of early dusk. Your migraine was gone, bringing a sense of relief over you. Although for some reason, you knew you weren't going to be able to go back to sleep.

"If you want to see Marc, go to the lobby."

A voice nagged at you- it sounded airy and oddly ethereal for a masculine voice. You tensed, looking around madly. Turning on your lamp, you saw nothing. "Go! I'm not giving you much time." The voice told you, demanding. "Fine! Fucking hell..." You muttered, getting your clothes on, slipping on some boots. You were going to wake up Layla, but the moment you moved towards her you felt yourself being forced away. "Do not wake her! If you are to see him, it will be you and you alone." You grit your teeth. "Fine." You mumbled, sitting back and finishing tying your shoes.

In all honesty, a large part of you thought the odd occurrence was just you dreaming. You were still groggy out of your mind and the space around you still buzzed with early morning stars. So, you simply went with it, expecting to wake up in your bed the moment you got down to the hotel lobby. That, or the dream would switch.

Collecting your bag and the key to the hotel room, you left the room as quietly as you could, closing the door with a soft click. Looking down the hall, you felt eerily uncomfortable. The lights flickered. "That should probably be checked out." Something thumped behind you- like a wooden stick against the ground. You whirled around, stepping back towards where the elevator would be. "Go!" The voice yelled. You squinted, blinking and rubbing your eyes to see the flicker of a figure. It was gone the next instant. A chill ran down your spine and you sped down the hall, calling the elevator and hurrying down to the lobby.

When the elevator doors opened, you let out a breath of relief, thanking whatever deities were watching over you for keeping anything weird from happening. A gust of wind hurried you, getting sand in your eyes. You huffed, rubbing it away, hurrying towards the door. Where the hell would the sand come from? Wind I might be able to understand, but-


You looked up, immediately recognizing Marc's voice. Your face lit up, relief rushing through you and relaxing your muscles. "Marc!" You yelled, somewhat hushed out of respect for those still sleeping, running up to him with arms spread. He caught you, squeezing tight as he held you. That definitely woke you up. You pulled away, holding him by the shoulders. "How are you? Are you okay?" He looked as if he hadn't slept in days, and he was sweating like a pig and pale as though he were sick. "Jesus- Marc you look like shit." You held his face, tilting it left and right to check for injury. A small nick was beheld at the corner of his jaw, but it was long scabbed over. To your surprise, that was about all you could find. Marc's frown deepened. "Where's Layla?" You tensed. How were you going to explain the voice that told you to leave her be?

Marc frowned as he glared up at something behind you. "This is your doing, isn't it?" You frowned, turning to follow his gaze. Releasing his face, you immediately held his jacket in panic as you saw a looming creature in what looked like stained bandages and the skeletal head of a bird. The entity held a staff in its hand with a crescent moon at its peak. All color drained from your face as you let out a silent and internalized scream, staring up at the creature with wide eyes. Marc noticed your panic, frowning. "You can see him?" He asked, a hint concerned. You nodded rapidly, clinging to him.

Marc sighed, stature changing somewhat as he looked up at the entity with annoyance. "Alright, you nasty pigeon-" Steven apparently swapped in, holding you close and jabbing a finger up at the skeletal bird-head. "-look at what you're doing, you're scaring them! Get out of here before we make you!" The bird rolled its head as if rolling its eyes, groaning. "This is for the best, Steven Grant. This way, the girl won't be trying to force you back to Europa. It would just make things more costly for you."

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