Chapter 7

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You and Nathan went out for quite awhile. Eventually you got to the point where the two of you were constantly kissing and holding hands and exhibiting classic PDA. Him and his friend group really started to involve you with their lives as well, and things were looking up. That was, until, certain thoughts shot through your ears.

"I can't keep doing this. I love them, but... I can't do this anymore."

Nathan had learned about your mental... issues. Along with that, you told him about your schizophrenia. After about a month, you got, admittedly, a bit too comfortable and told him about how your schizophrenia drifted into possible telepathy. He'd taken your word for it, but it wasn't brought up much again.

"This is all too much. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I don't think I'm ready to take care of someone with a mind like this. God, I feel so fucking hypocritical. Now I understand where my past partners were coming from."

These thoughts came to Nathan while you and him were hanging out with his group, the two of you sitting on a couch within the cafe you worked at. You had been sitting on his lap with his arms wrapped around you. He didn't even flinch at the thoughts. His body language didn't change in the slightest. As if he'd been thinking about it for a while. You broke away from him. "Is that what you really think?" You whispered to him, furious as the back of your throat burned. Everyone went silent. "Y/n?" Lindsy watched you and her brother anxiously. You stood, whirling around to face Nathan.

"If you've been feeling that way for so long, why didn't you just say something instead of leading me on?" You snapped, tears welling up in your eyes, face red with despair induced rage. Sniffling, you shook your head at his shocked and heartbroken expression, running out of the cafe. "Y/n, wait!" Nathan called after you, but you had already left.

Some superpower I have. You thought to yourself sarcastically, still running even as you sobbed, your heaving lungs aching.

Running home, you locked yourself in your apartment, turning off your phone even as it buzzed madly. You didn't want to be around anyone- you wanted to be left alone to rot. How could you be so stupid? How could you tell someone about all the shit you had going on in your head? How could you be stupid enough to tell someone about the fact you could sometime read fucking minds. There was a knock on your door. "Y/n!" It was Nathan. "I'm sorry! I wasn't meaning to lead you on! Just- talk to me, please! Talk to the rest of them, at least! They're worried about you."

Fuck you and your friends. But you couldn't bring yourself to say it. Lindsy had been more than kind to you. Gary was a fun friend to chat with in psychology. Randal had his flaws, but he was nice to be around once you got hung around him long enough. And Nathan... he was probably one of the sweetest guys you'd been with.

Not sweeter than Steven. Your mind stuttered at the thought. You'd never been with Steven. What was up with that thought crossing your mind?

"Maybe they didn't come home?" You heard Lindsy say, out of breath as though she had run a mile. "Maybe not... maybe... hold on, maybe they're at the library?" Gary offered. "Where you two first met." He continued, and you heard a sigh. "Sure, let's go. But if they're not there, we come back here." Nathan told him, to which you heard the sound of footsteps leaving, chatter between the four quieting as they took off.

After a couple of minutes of crying, you forced yourself to get out of bed. Opening your door slowly, you saw no one, so you crept from your apartment. Softly, you made your way from your apartment, jogging down the street. Eventually you got to the point you were running again, tears streaming down your face.

You knew you couldn't be mad at someone for their thoughts- thoughts were thoughts. You can't stop them. But they still hurt. Thoughts hurt the same that regular words did, you were just unlucky enough to have to hear all of it.

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