Chapter 1

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You wiped down the tables of the desolate cafe, brushing away crumbs while waiting for your (tea/coffee) to brew behind the counter. Customers were far and few between, but oftentimes people came here because they: a) knew the owners, b) were regulars, or, c) happened to stumble upon it while desperately searching for a coffee. Or, even rarer, they were tourists who got lost looking for a Starbucks.

Trotting behind the counter and setting down the rag, you opened your phone and began to look over the latest post NASA had put up on instagram. Another beautiful photo of Jupiter. There was the casual clicking of a customer on his laptop with a coffee in the corner, a girl reading her book while eating a biscuit, and the elderly couple that owned the place were in the back baking some more cookies and pastries. Thanks to the low population within the small cafe, your mind was at peace, and no voices were heard in your mind, save for the occasional comment from the girl about her book or the guy about the project he was working on. He apparently was working on an important slideshow for work, and when you had looked to see, the information checked out.

Taking the cup that had finally cooled, you took a sip, enjoying the warmth of the liquid on your tongue. Only to get pulled away from the sense of serenity by the bell at the front door ringing. Setting down your cup, you glanced up to see someone you didn't recognize. A woman with curly and coily brown hair that went down to around her shoulders, all puffed out with volume. Her eyes glittered with a sense of adventure as she strode up to the register, confidence oozing from her. It was intimidating, but it also made you a little intrigued. She was also incredibly pretty- that was something you couldn't deny.

"Hello and welcome to Lily and Gus' cafe, what would you like?" You asked, watching the woman with curious eyes and a polite smile. She returned the smile, eyes flickering up to the menu. "I haven't been here before- is there anything you'd recommend?" You chuckled. "Yeah, well personally-"

"Maybe I'd be in the mood for a taste of something sweet. I need energy though- Marc would probably want plain coffee, though."

You blinked, realizing she hadn't spoken. Her lips remained sealed, and she stood, waiting for you to reply. You shook your head. "Right, uh..." You took a deep breath, tapping your cheek as you composed yourself. "You seem like the type to like something sweet. Maybe like the... honey lavender coffee?" Gus and Lily weren't the most creative with names, but hey, it got to the point. You gestured up at it, watching her to gauge her reaction. She blinked, seemingly surprised. "Yeah, actually. I don't usually like sweet things, but I really am in the mood for it right now. You totally nailed it." She laughed, and you joined in, not wanting to be impolite.

"I'll take one of those, please. And a black coffee with a little bit of cream, and maybe one of those-" The pointed to a pastry in the glass display case- a little muffin, perfectly sized to fit in the palm of your hand. Not bite sized, but not overwhelmingly large. You nodded, typing out her order. "Anything else?" You questioned, and she shook her head. "No, thank you." You picked up a cup, taking a sharpie and pressing it to the plastic. "And who, may I ask, does this order go out to?" You questioned playfully, earning a laugh from her. "Layla." You nodded, writing down her name. "It's nice to meet you, Layla." You turned to begin working on her coffee, feeling her smile at your back.

"I hope to see you become a regular. We don't have many of those around here, and you seem like you'd be good company for this small cafe." You told her, glad you didn't have to face her with your flushed cheeks. She chuckled, tilting her head to the side to try and get a better look at you. "Maybe I will. Depends on how good this coffee turns out to be." You grinned. "Oh, trust me, you won't be disappointed."

Apparently she enjoyed the coffee, because she came back to the coffee shop almost everyday, sometimes even multiple times a day, for the past four days.

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