Chapter 6

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You got to the lecture hall the next morning only to find out the exam was going to be postponed due to the professor having caught a cold. The lesson was canceled that day, so you decided to roam the campus for a little while, hanging out in the library. It was a spacious place with many comfortable spots to hang around in while studying and reading, so you did just that.

In the midst of your studying, a man walked up to you. "Hey, uh, if this seat taken?" He asked, gesturing to the open space on the couch you had been sitting on. "Oh- uh, no, it's not." You shook your head, and he smiled, letting out a relieved laugh. "Okay, thanks." He told you, sitting down beside you and taking out a book. You immediately recognized it. "Hold on- is that Project Hail Mary?" He glanced up at you, eyes flickering between you and the book. "Yeah, it is."

"I love that book! It's one of the things that pushed me to get a PhD in cosmology." You told him, smiling. He perked up, intrigued. "Hold on- you're here for a cosmology degree?" You nodded. "Yeah- I'm in Dr. Peterson's class." His brows rose in realization, a smile spreading across his face to match yours. "I have him too! I sit in the back- I could have sworn I recognized you!" You tilted your head. "You've seen me?" He nodded. "Yeah- you sit all the way off to the side, near the door." You nodded rapidly. "Yeah, that's me!" You let out a laugh before pointing to the book again. "How far into it are you?" He shrugged, sheepish. "This is actually my third time reading it. It's my favorite- a bit of a comfort, if I'm honest." You chuckled. "That's awesome- it really is a great book, so I don't blame you."

The man nodded, cheeks a hint red as he bit his lip, anxious. "I... I'm sorry if this is wrong of me to ask, but you're really good looking, and I was wondering if you'd be willing to go on a date with me?" Your cheeks flushed, stomach fluttering. "Uh- yeah, sure thing! I'm free tonight- unless that's too soon?" He shook his head madly, waving his hands somewhat frantically. "No! No- it's perfect. I know this amazing steak house down the road from here. How's six-thirty sound?" You grinned, nodding. "Sounds good. But- uh- what's your name?" He held out his hand. "Nathan, and you're...?" You pressed your hand into his, giving it a shake. "Y/n." He took your hand, bringing it up and pressing his lips to your knuckles. "It's nice to meet you, Y/n. I can't wait to see you tonight!" He told you, leaving you a flustered mess as he stood.

"Oh! Right- here's my number. Just in case." Nathan told you, digging into his pocket and taking out a pen, scribbling his number on a scrap piece of paper. He handed it to you, grinning from ear to ear with sparkling blue eyes. "Bye!" He told you, jogging off without another word. He definitely fit the role of "classic golden-retriever boy," that's for sure. At first glance, at least. He had curly blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes and a freckle near his left eye. Decently attractive for a guy around your age- or at least you were pretty sure he was around your age. Maybe younger. You didn't know and honestly you didn't entirely care- you'd gotten a date!

And for some reason you felt bad for it.

What if he found out about your condition? Whether it be mind reading or schizophrenia, it's kinda a strange thing to figure out someone you're going on a date with can read your mind. And what if you had an anxiety attack during the date and had to excuse yourself? What if you seemed rude? What if you made yourself seem like a complete lunatic?

You tried to force the thoughts from your mind, taking a deep breath and stretching, cracking your knuckles in the meantime. It'll be fine. You told yourself. If his thoughts were to show anything, they showed that he was a decently honest guy. Timid, but honest. He kind of reminded you of Steven, actually. Just a bit more puppydog-ish.

When you got home, you spun around, giddy. Layla seemed curious about why (she had walked you home, since you didn't have a shift that day), but you told her, "I have a date!" while pressing your hands to your warm cheeks and grinning. You could have sworn she looked upset about the fact, but immediately the flicker of disappointment was gone from her eyes, replaced by a grin that matched yours. "That's great! What's their name?"

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