Chapter 5

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To your surprise, you were able to continue to live your life relatively normally. You could still go to your lectures, work a few hours at the cafe, and then go back to your apartment to study. The only difference was that wherever you went, Layla or Marc and Steven were always by your side. Marc was a little anxious to be around you, since the worry technically lay in him, but you insisted it would be alright. Although, Layla did want to make sure you always had your phone on you in case something happened and you needed help. That wasn't a big issue, since you already had her on speed dial. You know, because you've been a little paranoid since the attack. But with all this stuff with Egyptian gods and this other personality, you were growing a little more paranoid. Okay, maybe a lot more paranoid.

Really paranoid. You couldn't lie to yourself, you were starting to get really, really paranoid. But you didn't want to seem weak to Marc or Layla, and you wanted to be able to get on with your studies and finish your PhD. So you carried on, albeit while running on fumes.

Wrapping up your shift, you undid your apron and finished packing away your things, clocking out. "Bye Lily, bye Gus!" You told the two bakers before heading into the front of the cafe and back behind the register. Picking up your bag, making sure you had all your things, you looked to the exit of the cafe only to freeze.

There stood the man with the Irish cap.

A pit formed in your stomach as you blinked, forcing yourself to look away. That can't be him- it's not him, is it? The man's body language suggested it was Marc, but your paranoia was screaming at you that wasn't the case. You heard the bell ring. "Hey, Y/n, ready to head back?" You glanced up at him, color gone from your face as cold sweat formed on your back. "Y-yeah, gimme a sec." You fumbled with your phone, keeping it close as you left the register, circling around to meet him. He wasn't wearing gloves. For some reason, that calmed you. The man you'd seen take Arthur had been wearing black leather gloves. You don't know why you remembered that to be honest, but they felt noteworthy. That, and the fact the staff freaked out shortly after he left, and had everyone go back to their rooms.

Who knew the reason why the staff seemed so panicked? Oh, wait- you did. You could read at least some of their thoughts. Staff had been murdered. You thought you might have smelled blood on him.

But the man you came to meet did not smell like blood, he smelled like Marc. Sandalwood deodorant with a little bit of the sharp scent of cologne. But who was to say when Marc and Steven switched out, they'd smell differently? They wouldn't- it wouldn't make sense if they did.

You walked past the man you prayed was Marc, too afraid to meet his eyes. "Jeez, didn't realize you were in a hurry. Do you have an exam or something?" He rushed after you, following you out the door. "Uh, yeah. I do. Cosmology, am I right?" You tried to laugh it off as you stared straight forward, cracking your knuckles and worrying your lip. Your breathing was shallow and arms crossed and closed off. Marc seemed to notice as he caught up with you, frowning down at you with the usual stoic crease in his brow, a hint of concern in his eyes. "Hey, what's up with you? You're jumpier than usual." He glanced back at the cafe and around you two. "Did something happen?" He asked, voice hushed somewhat.

Shaking your head, you immediately denied the possibility. "What? No! No- nothing happened. I'm fine- just nervous about my exam!" You were being way too obvious, but you were too terrified to care. Thoughts ran themselves through your mind at a million miles per second, some of them your own and some of them from the few passerbyers on the street.

"What's going on with them? They seem off. I think something happened."

What am I going to do? What if it's him? The other personality- that had to be the same guy from the mental hospital, right? Or am I just hallucinating again? Am I just paranoid? I was really high at the time- how do I know-

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