Chapter 2

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You remained in that position for hours, uncurling only when you became so exhausted you passed out. Waking up in the dead of night, starving and all paranoia and anxiety wiped away (or most of it, at least, save for a few nagging thoughts having to do with Layla and whatever the hell was happening with the Steven/Marc situation). Standing, you nearly collapsed again, clinging to your door. Blinking away the stars clouding your vision, you heaved a sigh, wiping the sweat from your brow. Your stomach growled. Stumbling over to the fridge, you opened the door, only to see there was nothing left for you to eat.

Groaning, you picked up your bag. You felt like shit. So you were going to go out and get something to eat.

Unlocking your many locks, you peeked outside to see a package at your doorstep. "Oh." You breathed. The mailman had knocked at your door. You almost found it laughable as you picked up the package, taking it inside and leaving it on the nearest counter. You'd deal with your new books later. For now, you only knew that you needed to go find something to eat.

It was dark out- you checked the time to see that it was around 11:00 at night. Another groan left you as you wrapped your coat around you tighter, trudging down the quiet streets. Paranoia was already beginning to get its grips on you again. You took a deep breath, trying to calm your rampant thoughts and racing heart. It's just a quick errand. You told yourself, heading for the nearest liquor store. I'm just getting something to eat and going home. No biggie.

You got to the store without anything occurring. Buying what you wanted, you left, hurrying back home. The feeling of being watched gripped you like a hand around the back of your neck, forceful and petrifying. But you kept moving, speeding through the streets and taking back alleys for shortcuts.

That was probably your biggest mistake.

You bumped into a man, nearly losing your groceries. Apologizing profusely, you tried to walk around him, only to be blocked by another man. Your heart fell into your stomach as you tried to turn and run, only to be grabbed from behind. Yelling and flailing, you dropped your groceries. Ramming your elbow back into your captor, he let out a cry as you made contact with his nose, hearing an uncomfortable crack. "You fucker!" His voice was loud but his thoughts were louder. They made you cry and scream louder in panic- you didn't like what he and his friend had in store. "I'm gonna make you pay for that." You couldn't tell if he said that aloud or in his head, but that didn't matter.

The other man clamped a hand over your mouth, trying to quiet you. You bit down, only to be met with cloth as he pulled away, gag in your mouth. The man behind you shoved you to the ground, giving you the opportunity to rip the cloth from your mouth. "Get the fuck away from me!" You screamed, wide eyed as you scrambled back, only for your legs to get grabbed. Kicking as hard as you could, you were nearly able to turn and run, only for two sets of arms to grab your legs and keep you still. You shouted some more, praying someone would hear you- someone had to, right?

But even if they did, who's to say they'd actually come and help? It's a real thing, you know. So many people hear a victim cry out for help, and they do nothing, fearful of the confrontation. "Someone else will take care of it," they tell themselves. "I can't be the only one who hears it, so obviously someone else will do something about it." In the end, the victim is left stranded and dead. All because no one had the guts to even call the cops.

Luckily for you, that would not be your fate.

With a whoosh, something flew down from above and sent the two men back, the both of them shouting profanities as they tumbled. Your eyes widened as you saw two characters standing before you- a woman with golden wings, with red and cream cloth, and a man in all white and a cloak. You stared in awe, wide-eyed. The man in white charged forward first, fists clenched and shoulders squared. It was an incredibly intimidating sight- so much so the two men scrambled to their feet and ran, screaming bloody murder.

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