Chapter 11

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Running to the laundry room, which wasn't very far from the media room, you opened the door and took a look at Steven's clothes. They were a little damp, but they were clean. "Time to get these bad boys dried..." You mumbled to yourself, collecting the clothes and tossing them into the drier, throwing in a few laundry sheets before closing it up and starting the load.

Clapping your hands together, you turned and left the small laundry room, leaving the door open again so you could hear it beep when it was done. Wandering over to Steven's door, you knocked. "Hey, your clothes should be finished in an hour." You called into the room, only for the door to crack itself open and reveal a towel wrapped Marc. "Happy to hear it." He told you, peeking through the door. "I, uh, I was wondering when the food was going to get here, though?" You swallowed thickly, staring up at his hair, watching the way the water dripped from his curls. "Uh-" Blinking, you nodded, shaking yourself from your embarrassed thoughts. "-yeah, it should be here in twenty." You told him, praying he didn't see the redness of your cheeks- because you sure as hell could feel it. He gave you a polite smile, lips pursed tightly. "Thanks." He told you, to which you gave him a thumbs up. "No problem, yeah, uh-" You stepped back, about to leave, when you thought of something.

"Hey, Marc?" The man in question opened the door a little wider, letting out a hum and waiting for you to continue. "Do you want a robe? It'd kinda suck if you had to stay stuck in your room while waiting for your clothes to dry." He seemed pleasantly surprised at the offer. "I mean- sure, if you've got one." You nodded, telling him, "I do- I'll be right back."

Hurrying downstairs, you entered your room and searched the closet to find a thick velvet robe. In the meantime, you panicked, grimacing at your own absurd thoughts and feelings. Why was I freaking out over the sight of his hair!? It's just hair- he washed it, so it was wet- no big deal! So why did my heart decide to do fucking jumping jacks over it?! Groaning, you wiped a hand down your face, hiding your flustered face within your palms. I mean, I will admit, he looked really good like that. But he's fucking married. Steven might not be, but Marc and Layla are, and honestly I don't want to have to take part in the complicatedness that might have been going on.

Sighing, you shook your head and patted your cheeks, continuing on your search for the robe. Besides, we're all gonna be here for a while- at least it seems like it. We're gonna have to get comfortable around each other. Like roommates, or siblings. You grimaced at the thought, but you made no further comment.

Finally, you found the precious velvet robe you had been looking for. It was blue, meaning it was likely your father's. The size of the robe gave that away as well. You remembered he'd gotten it as a gift awhile back from a family member, but he never wore it. He always said it was too heavy for him to wear, but while in New York that felt like a stupid excuse, you knew your father well enough to know he was essentially a walking heater. So, you couldn't blame him.

Bringing up the robe, you knocked on the door again and cracked it open, shoving your arm into the room with the robe in hand. "Thanks." Marc told you, taking it and allowing you to close the door. "Layla and I are in the media room watching Buzzfeed Unsolved if you want to join us." You heard Marc chuckle. "And where's this fancy media room?" You smiled, rolling your eyes as you replied, "Just go left upon leaving your room and walk past the stairs. That room at the end of the hall is the media room." You heard Marc scoff. "That's hardly a hallway. But thanks." To which you snickered and replied, "no problem." Leaving the man to shrug on the robe, you went ahead and rejoined Layla in the media room to see she had started a new video.

"Marc should be out in a bit. Lended him a robe so he didn't have to be trapped in his room." Layla nodded, chewing some popcorn as she responded, "sounds good."

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