Chapter 4

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You finished your shift and headed back to your apartment to study. The next couple of days were spent primarily working on school and joining in on the couple of lectures you had scheduled yourself to sit through. This made it so that you saw Layla and Steven/Marc very rarely, but whenever you could you'd stop by the cafe to work and study in the hopes that they'd show up. Going back to lectures sucked at first, since you could hear the inner dialogues of almost everyone within the lecture hall, but you powered through, often making sure to record the session so you could go back and take better notes. You'd come far since that panic attack with Marc, Steven and Layla- you could handle spaces like that easier than before.

With the passage of time, you got over your discomfort with going out at night again slowly faded as well. You just made sure to avoid any alleyways, and to keep Layla on speed dial in case anything happened. You didn't enjoy the thought of relying on her for a sense of comfort- even if she didn't know it. But if it got you to go out at night so you could get a late night snack or make some friends at the local bar, you'd use it.

After around a week or so of this repetition, you left the lecture hall to see Layla waiting outside your building. She grinned upon seeing you, jogging towards you. "I had a feeling this was your building. I knew you mentioned what University you were going to, but I had to figure out what building on my own." You gave her a bewildered look. "Why didn't you just ask? You have my number." You laughed, gesturing at her with your phone. Layla tilted her head, shrugging. "I like a little puzzle-solving from time to time." You rolled your eyes, walking with her through the University. "Well, it would have been a really easy puzzle to solve if you had just asked." She shrugged again, her grin still gleaming.

"Awww, Layla, who's this? Did you make a new friend?" Layla flinched, and you turned, looking around to try and find someone. "Uh, who was that?" You questioned, looking at Layla. "So you can hear her?" She asked, whispering the question. You nodded slowly. "They can hear me? Oh, that's freaky!" You heard the voice laugh, and Layla sighed. "That's Taweret. She's an Egyptian goddess, and I'm her avatar." You gave her a confused look, and she seemed to remember you weren't an expert on Egypt or her and Marc's/Steven's situation. "An avatar is the thing that makes it so that I can do the things you saw me do that night. With the wings, and the costume." You gave her a slow nod. "And what is Taweret the goddess of?"

"I am the protector of fertility and childbirth! And who might you be, Layla's new friend?" Taweret seemed remarkably cheery for an Egyptian goddess, but what do you know?

"I'm Y/n." You replied, and you could have sworn the goddess let out an excited squeal. "Oh, it's so good to meet you! I'm so glad Layla is finding friends- you know, with Marc and Steven and Khonshu, I bet things can get a little overwhelming at times. And annoying." She let out a giggle and you tried to laugh along, not recognizing the third name. "Well, I'll leave you two be! Have fun, kids!" She joked, going silent.

"So, that was Taweret." Layla breathed, lips pursed. "She seemed nice, for a god." Layla nodded. "I'd have to agree." The two of you chuckled for a moment, the sound trailing off into awkward silence. "Who's... who's Khonshu?" Layla tensed, taking a deep and long breath in preparation. "He's the god of the night. Marc and Steven are his avatar." She admitted, gritting her teeth. "Although, he was supposed to release them. Taweret was also supposed to release me."

"Why didn't they?"

"Well, I remained with Taweret because Marc was still bound. The reason why Marc is still an avatar is... well, it's something we're working out. So far, the answer doesn't seem pleasant."

You slowed down somewhat, eyes wide as you cracked your knuckles and wrung your hands anxiously. "Is... could that possibly be... er..." Layla turned back towards you, awaiting your words. Anxiety swirled in your stomach, and you took a deep breath trying to calm it. "Is... is it possible there are more than just Steven and Marc in there?" You tapped the side of your head. Layla looked away, staring at the floor in frustrated worry, chewing at her lip. "We don't know yet... but we're really hoping that's not the case."

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