Chapter 1: The News

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It was a loud night for the Saunders school as they had just won a match against Pravda their rivals and so in Saunders fashion they started partying.

In her dorm, Tanya sat quietly and listened to the Tv as she did her homework and worked up new strategies for the next match against Saint Gloriana. As she worked she heard a loud and sort of obnoxious knock on her door.
"Who is it?" she annoyingly asked
"It's your favourite and only sister" said a voice came from the other side"
"Come in"

Kay walked in the room and being four years older than Tanya at 16, Tanya being 12 she was the commander of the Saunders team, "Hey sis how come you're not at the party?" Kay questioned
Tanya explained "I never liked going to those, plus I need to work on school and drawing stuff up for the next match in a couple days"

Kay smiled and said "yeah I figured as much, but without your knowledge we wouldn't have won so all credit goes to you!, you'll make a fine commander someday"

Tanya was taken aback from that and expressed the truth "you know I'm not jealous of you or anything at all but why do I have to be in the stupid tent while you're off fighting and actually putting my plans to use? Sometimes I want to be in a tank as well and strike fear into our enemies"

Kay tried her best to consul her and said "yeah sometimes I wish you were on the battlefield with me too, but for some reason the headmaster won't allow it"

"Muttering under her breath Tanya said "yeah it's a stupid decision nonetheless"

Kay then said "hey look on the bright side at least you can contribute in some way and not be stuck with school work all the time"

Tanya smiled at that and said "yeah anything is better than being in class with a bunch of delinquents"

As their conversation went on, the show that was in the background stopped abruptly and the face of the news anchor appeared on the TV
"We apologize for the interruption but we have just received breaking news of a tragedy that just occurred an hour ago at Kuromorimine
"Kuromorimine what could possibly happen there?" Kay said curiously now glued to the TV

The news anchor continued and said
"We have just learnt that Maho Nishizumi the commander of their Shenshado force and Erika Itsumi their second in command have been found dead.

"Dead!" Kay exclaimed, "how did this happen"
The news anchor went on as if answering her question

"The only information that the police have given us is that the damage does not seem to be self inflicted"

Tanya being smart said "well there's your answer, either it's a homicide or they died in a car accident or drowned that's it"

Kay agreed and then picked up her phone saying "I gotta call the others to see if they heard about it yet, oh and I better call Miho I'm sure she's not in a very good state right now"
Kay walked out and Tanya sat there pondering how this all came to be.

How would two both respectable commanders, (Maho having more respect from Tanya) just suddenly die and even then why Kuromorimine, why haven't other commanders died, surely if this was targeted like she suspected why wouldn't they go after the likes of Katyusha and Nona or Miho and Saori or even Kay and herself it just didn't add up and she hated that it didn't.

She then thought to herself "well this isn't what I wished for, I would never wish death upon anyone but I hope that their headmaster Shiho approaches me and asks me to become their commander, this is the perfect opportunity"

Tanya then reasoned with herself saying "no this is stupid thinking, their school is dealing with this loss, this isn't the time to think about that"

But deep in her mind she still had that slight little hope that the stars would align for her.

Authors notes: Well hope you enjoyed the chapter and I'll do the best I can to make it good.
The story is going to be based off a roleplay scenario that my friend and I came up with, but with other twists involved so stay tuned and this story will be pushed a little more back as I'm working on other ones but I promise there will be more in the future. Also all rights go to the creators of saga of Tanya and girls und panzer.

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