Chapter 11: It All Ties in

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As Miho said the words "there's another person and I can tell you who."
Everyone in the room had a look of shock.

Katyusha being quick to judge said "aha! "It was you all along Miho, so tell us how did you do it?"

Miho stared blankly at Katyusha and then laughed saying "you really think I would murder my own sister and her friend?"

Evans then chimed in "I wouldn't put it past you."

"Shut up you overgrown four eyed man!" Katyusha replied

"Everyone should let Miho talk before I tape all your mouths shut and I will make you regret it!"

Tanya said with annoyance

"Thanks commander Degurechaff, it wasn't me but I put some research in. Firstly I will say that the boys came into Oorai and sabotaged our tanks, not by putting shells that would damage anything but by somehow making them unmovable, we're still trying to figure that out. But to the topic at hand, Jefferson isn't the head honcho but he serves under a man named Victor Von Stroheim. It's rumoured that he has mind control devices which would explain the situation at Pravda and he apparently is rich as well, so by my understanding that's how I would assume Anzio was told and given food to keep quiet."

Tanya was now intrigued and curious about this Stroheim guy and so she asked a few questions

"Firstly how evil is he, what are his motives and how does he fit into all this?"

Miho could only say "well it's told that he's pretty ruthless and at times merciless. His motives, I know just as much as you do and how does he fit, I don't know we'll have to investigate."

Just as she finished talking, two figures appeared in the doorway and a man dressed in a black suit, white shirt and a purple tie and wearing a fedora on his head was slowly clapping and he turned to the other figure and said "well Jefferson looks like our commanders found out."

Authors note: next chapter is the one that will make up for these three shorter ones so I'll be working on it. Expect a punishment later today.

Tanya:  Commander of KuromorimineWhere stories live. Discover now