Chapter 8: Evans' Revelation

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It was the next day and everyone was at the school along with major evans to gather for info regarding the events that had transpired through the weeks and months.

Because Tanya couldn't handle everyone all at once she had Kay come in and help her and do some interviews with her, she first wanted to talk to major evans about what info he had.

"So major, tell me what you've heard" Tanya said

"Well it's not about what I've heard but about what I also saw" replied evans

"What do you mean by that" she asked

"Well I became a spy for the all stars academy and they're planning something that will not only put us in Kuromorimine in danger but the rest of them, I forgot you wanted to know about the murders and all I can say about that is it in fact was someone in that academy but I couldn't track down who. As for the in danger part, they're planning on sending us all to literal war and not just for fun and games, war that will cause casualties" evans stated

"But why would they want a bunch of girls that are only school aged to go to war?" Tanya asked with confusion and concern

"Well that's just the thing." Evans said

"They know that the girls division and boys division in all schools are both very skilled in tank fighting, we do it for sport of course but out there on the mainland, they don't have any tanks it's ground and air warfare, the all stars school knows that with tanks, this war that's going on could take a turn for the worse..."

"I see Tanya" said

She then added

"What about the death of Maho and Erika, can you explain that at least?"

"Yes I can, now I didn't figure out who did it, but I can tell you that I figured out the motive of whoever did it, now if Maho and Erika were alive and they discovered this plot they would do everything in their power to stop it. I think what happened that day you fought saint Gloriana is that the all stars were trying to take out all the smart or logical ones and that was going to include you and Darjeeling."

Tanya thought for a minute and then she realized it all made sense, if they were trying to get every school and country involved in the war. The murders, the sabotaging, she now had something to go with and now all she needed was anything from the commanders to see know who was behind it.

Authors note: so I was told by a friend that it doesn't matter how long the word count is so from now on you could see longer chapters or shorter chapters but after my much needed break, I'm back on the grind so because I'll have 4 stories in the works I'm going to try and give each one some time and effort. But thanks for the reads and hope you continue to read until the end!

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