Chapter 5: The Proposal

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Tanya sat working in her room trying to piece the puzzle together but she couldn't figure it out, as she sat she heard a knock on her door.

"What and who is it?" She asked

"I'm a representative of the Shensado community, we have a visitor here for you miss Degurechaff who would like to speak directly to you" a voice from the other side of the door replied

Tanya was curious to know why this was necessary but she put on her uniform and opened the door and greeted the representative.

As they walked down Tanya asked "so why would someone want to speak directly to me, wouldn't they talk to Shiho?"

The person only replied with "you'll see"
They walked down to a meeting room and a silhouette of a man was in one of the chairs and as Tanya walked in the representative turned to her and said "I'll be outside, this guy can be a little unpredictable at times."

Tanya figured she would be fine but she thanked the guy and walked in to the room and sat down

"Hello Miss Degurechaff, sorry to be talking with you this late but I wanted to make a proposal to you once we get back to doing matches, ah my apologies I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Commander Jefferson, I'm the commander of the boys division of the all stars university"

Tanya stared blankly and said "go on,.."

"I've always admired watching Kuromorimine on the television and watching how swiftly Maho Nishizumi and Erika took care of their opponents, it's a very good tactic in war, though it's a shame what happened to them but it's good that you and your sister have taken their place but a shame that Saunders won't be what it once was, anyways my proposal is that our boys would work with you girls and secure victory"

Tanya considered it at first but then she remembered that wouldn't look good on Kuromorimines part, "as much as it would be an honour to fight alongside the all stars, you have to remember, the federation wouldn't allow it" she told Jefferson

He replied "well you know rules can be bent and changed, if you're good at bartering"

Tanya was very hesitant to this and said "look I may seem rebellious and I may be called the devil of the rhine but even I'm a stickler for the rules and I do my best to follow them, unless you can talk to the federation about doing a boys vs girls or boys and girls combined matches, I'm not sure I'm going to accept your proposal"

Jefferson smiled and all he could say was "alright thank you for your time, Tanya."

Tanya sternly told him "it's commander Degurechaff to you!"

"Ah yes I forgot about that, Commander."

Tanya left the room and the federation member asked "so how'd it go?"

Tanya replied "I suggest keeping an eye on him"

The federation member then had a look of seriousness and told her "I assure you we are"

Tanya didn't believe it but she bid the federation member farewell and went straight to Kay.

"Hey sis what's up?" Kay asked

"Tanya replied "I think I may have found our culprit."

"Culprit for what? Oh waitttt, I know what you're talking about now!" Kays eyes widened realizing what Tanya was saying

"Yeah I'm not one hundred percent sure but I have a feeling that I just spoke with him"

"Well all you gotta do is prove that it was" Kay told her

"Yeah but it's not gonna be easy, I'm going to let this play out and see if I can catch him in his tracks or words and hope it doesn't get worse because he spoke to me of war and trust me we do not want to be involved in that"
Tanya said

Kay replied "well they can't make us go to war"

Tanya with a chill in her voice said "you're right they can't make us but they can force us into it.."

Authors note: and that's the chapter, I see you're all enjoying this book and of course it's a WiP but I'm glad you guys are sticking around each week with these events unfolding and stay tuned next week for chapter 6!

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