Chapter 13: The Battle

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After the encounter with Von Stroheim and the others, it was determined that the battle would happen at dawn in 5 days time. During those days Tanya and all the commanders and vice commanders came up with a strategy to see who would be in the tanks and who would be on the ground in what was decided as trench warfare.

"We're calling this meeting now to devise our plan against the all stars and Stroheims army, we know that it'll be a tough battle but it will be one we can fight. Due to our agreement we need to have some of us train up to be fighting in the trenches." Tanya said

"Well we can fight in tanks but none of us are able to go toe to toe with anyone" Said Kinuyo Nishi of the Chi-Ha-Tan academy

"That's precisely why we're going to train, but what Stroheim, Jefferson or my brother don't know is that I have this little thing" Tanya said as she pulled out her computation jewel that she kept hidden.

"What's that?" Katyusha asked

"This my friend is a jewel that can grant me the ability to fly and can grant some of you the ability as well." Tanya replied

She continued "I will be the leader of the sky squadron and Miho will command the ground forces. So we need some of you to be with me and some of you to go with Miho." "Any takers?"

Kay, Katyusha, Darjeeling, Anchovy and a few others volunteered to be in the tanks.

Meanwhile Nonna and some of the other Oorai girls volunteered to take to the skies.

Before the meeting could close, Evans came in and said "look I really am sorry for deceiving you and lying but I really didn't want to go through with the murders so please as a last effort let me join you Tanya Degurechaff!"

Tanya looked at him briefly and nodded and all she could say was "training starts tomorrow don't be late."

A few days later..

As everyone prepared for what was to come the air outside was cold and the clouds greyed, it could only mean that no matter what happened some of them weren't making it out alive but they would fight for Tanya's sake and for the sake of the soldiers who died or were relentlessly killing all because of a family feud.

On the other side, Tyler Degurechaff felt calm and collected about all this, he knew this battle wouldn't be lost and that his sister would have to go through with what they agreed on. Jefferson being commander he was, made sure the boys were in top shape and made sure the soldiers who would fight on the ground wouldn't show mercy no matter what. Stroheim watched this all from the comfort of his office in his house and he knew Tyler and Jefferson had plans that would make him be the winner.

In a regular Shensado match there would be spectators but with this battle there were only a select few who could really watch. But everyone watched intently and with nervousness wondering if their friends would make it or not.

Tanya and Miho lead their teams out to meet Tyler and Jefferson, Jefferson would be in charge of the tank forces and Tyler to Tanya's surprise came up with the same plan she did.

"It looks like I wasn't the only one who thought of fighting in the sky" Tanya said through gritted teeth.

"You don't think I would have thought you would pull a little stunt like this?" Tyler asked.

Meanwhile Miho and Jefferson only exchanged words of good luck and with that they took their places.

Before Tanya's team went up in the air Miho turned to her and said "go avenge Maho for me ok?"

Tanya smiled and said "you can do that yourself."

Miho then hugged Tanya and just after the first sound of a gun was heard and everyone knew the battle was on...

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