Chapter 12: A Rich Encounter

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Evans got up from his chair, then pulled out his pistol with anger saying "give me one dang good reason why I shouldn't put a bullet in your brain right now Stroheim!

Stroheim smiled  "now now is this how you treat your uncle dearest nephew?"

Tanya could see that Evans was about to pull the trigger so she promptly stopped him and quietly whispered to him while giving him a devilish smile "let's see what he has to say for himself before we do anything like that"

Stroheim continued "unlike your friends at Anzio, I'm surprised Miho here learnt of me. But what she has told you has all been true. We've been sabotaging your tanks with shells that could kill and yes we paid Anzio in food and money,  we mind controlled the girls at Pravda and we made the tanks at Oorai immobile. Oh and most importantly my underling Jefferson here was behind the murders. I came up with the idea, he came up with the plan and.."

Miho now enraged said "which one of you did it, who took my sister from me!?"

Stroheim said with a laugh "simple it was major Evans there"
Evans now worried explained himself saying

"look I was there that night it's true but it wasn't me!"

Finding a letter opener on the desk Miho lunged at him saying "I don't care!" Until Tanya stopped her, turned to Evans and pushed him against the wall

Evans looked her in the eyes and if he thought her smile was crazy the look in her eyes made him gulp and fear for his life and his safety

Tanya coldly said "you have about twenty seconds to tell us whether you murdered my predecessor and her friend and what you tell us will determine your consequences

Evans couldn't say anything and he accepted his fate as Tanya was saying, five, four, three, two but before she could get to one, another person walked in, a blonde boy who looked about 23 years old who said "ah if it isn't my beloved little sister Tanya."

Kay then confused said "Sister! I'm the only sibling she's had you imposter."

The boy rolled his eyes and introduced himself.

"I'm Tyler, Tyler Von Degurechaff so Ms. Kay, you are not her sibling, but let me explain"

Tanya unhanded Evans and crossed her arms waiting to hear whatever baloney her supposed brother had to say.

Tyler then told about their past "you see Tanya we were a family, we had a mother a father and until 12 years ago I was the only child, a couple months after you were born father had died of some disease and mother took it harshly but when you were about oh I don't know 4, she remarried to Victor here. See I was a troubled teenager and stepfather made sure to discipline me more than mother did, it got to the point where I listened more to him than mother and she wasn't too fond of that. One day she argued with him and realized that I was lost, so me and Stroheim left. Mother realized that he would eventually come for you and so she sent you off to Saunders."

Tanya then vividly remembered a woman who was crying and saying something like take care my daughter and it all came back to her.

Tyler continued "you see stepfather resented our mother for taking you as she was right in thinking he would do the same thing to you as he did to me, oh I forgot to mention one little thing, both our families had an army so stepfather sent his men to attack. Mother had tried escaping but it was too late. One of her soldiers had found her. So the war that's been raging on has been a family thing for a few years now"

Miho, Katyusha, Nonna, anchovy who came back in the room and Kay looked at Tanya with a look of surprise and realization that their friend was the sole reason why their fathers, brothers and best friends had gone to war and some had never come back.

Tanya could read their faces and said "guys I'm sorry for whatever my family has caused, I never asked for this and quite frankly I wish I could do something. We can still get closure for Miho."

Tyler replied. "That you can. You see Evans was originally supposed to be the one to end the lives of Maho and Erika as he was under the mind device and I was with him, but for some reason he somehow managed to get out of the mind control and couldn't do it. I tried fighting him but he escaped and the two girls were awakened so I quickly finished the task.

Stroheim then spoke up "that is quite right Tyler. So Miss Degurechaff we've come to do what your mother failed to protect you from. Well you also made yourself findable, if you hadn't become quite the Shensado prodigy we never would have found you. But we did, so we had to lure you to Kuromorimine so we got rid of Maho and Erika so we could easily find you.

Tanya then asked "what is it you want with me, why am I so important?"

Stroheim responded " simple. You would be great to train and eventually go fight in the war. Tyler and Tanya you guys would be quite a good pair. If you come with us, your friend's lives will be spared and they can go back to doing fake tank fights and you can fight for real. If you don't, you and your friends will suffer, like my nephew told you, we will bring the war to all regions, Saunders, Oorai, Kuromorimine, Pravda, Anzio, Saint Gloriana. None of you will be safe not even your families

Tanya was faced with a tough choice but she quickly thought of a better deal

"Tell you what Stroheim. Let's do a big tank match. All the schools against your team and your army of however many. Do we have a deal?"

"Not quite, I want one more thing, we fight with real tank shells and we have a ground fight that would mean training some of these puny girls for war"

Tanya looked over at the 4 commanders and with a serious look they nodded in agreement

"So what do we get if we lose?" Asked Tanya

"You come with us and no retaliation"

"And if we win?"

"Then you have all the reason to arrest us or even kill us" Stroheim said

"Looks like we've got a deal then"

Said Tanya with a smile

Authors note: Well folks two more chapters and if you thought this chapter was crazy, next chapter will be even crazier. Stay tuned and hope you enjoyed reading this one as much as I did writing it

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