Chapter 9: A Meeting With Pizza

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The first commander to come in was Anchovy from Anzio school.

Tanya had never met her in person and she knew from Kay and others that Anzio had a reputation for eating a bunch of Italian dishes.

Tanya didn't particularly like that food but from what she knew about the people there, they were fine when they weren't desperate to eat stuff.

"Hello commander Degurechaff, pleasure to meet you" Anchovy said

Shaking her hand Tanya replied "you as well"

They both sat down and Tanya got straight to the point "so anchovy I assume you have information for me regarding the murders or at least information regarding the all stars university?"

"Yes I do and I hope it's helpful, let me see.."
"Firstly we were quite shocked when we heard of the death of Maho and Erika. Though we both didn't know each other very well we both had respect for each other. I took it more harshly, of course not as harsh as Maho's sister but in one match we were in, Kuromorimine won but two of our teams were left a little bit shaken up by it so under the discretion of Maho they sent us repercussions. Anyways back on topic after the deaths we decided to find out about any plot or who did it but one of our students got tempted by food and got caught and then he showed up"

Evans who was siting in the back of the room interrupted "sorry I'm just writing some stuff down for clues, are you referring to commander Jefferson?"

"I am" anchovy said

"he showed up to our school not only with our students but he calmly but firmly offered us a deal, they would give us all the food and money we wanted to keep and of course we took the deal which I regret to this day, later on we had a match and we got sabotaged by them the same way that you and saint Gloriana did a couple of girls walked out of there severely injured and quit if this was what it was going to be like"

"I see" Tanya said "could you tell us anything about what you discovered or were you close but got caught?"

"We were super close to discovering the person who did it and apparently we did find out that there was more to this plot that we thought there was"
Anchovy replied

"Ok thank you for your time but thanks for giving us a little more than we already knew" Tanya said

"No problem" anchovy replied

She walked out of the room and Tanya slammed her head on the desk.

"I take it you didn't like what she told you?" Asked Evans

"No it's not that it's the fact that they were super close and their spy had to go and mess it up. Some of what she told me was good news.. let's just hope these other two have something for me."
Tanya said with a small spark of hope on her face.

Authors note: So as you can tell this chapter and the next two chapters will be short but chapter 12 and 13 will make up for it. As for the conclusion chapter (chapter 14) I'll see how I want it to go but yes this book is almost done!

Tanya:  Commander of KuromorimineWhere stories live. Discover now