Chapter 2: The Search

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Shiho Nishizumi the mother of Miho and the Late Maho walked in to the school, tears forming but she held them back as she saw that as a weakness.

She was showered with words of sympathy and comfort which she politely accepted but in reality she didn't need it as she went through this before with her husband and it wasn't nothing new with Maho. It was a shame that they lost such a good vice commander which was Erika but though she didn't show it, Shiho was more heartbroken by her daughters death though, despite her pushing Maho to make sure the school wins the matches and tournaments, she did enjoy spending time with her and reflecting on life, but now she couldn't as Maho's was taken.

Shortly before the funeral started Miho walked in, tears streaming down her face and the other commanders came and consoled her, Kay being the one who hugged her the longest.

Shiho got up because she was the headmaster and started to say some words as a memoir to both girls:
"This is a rare occurrence to have people from multiple schools show up to Koromorimine but because a lot of you were close to my daughter and her friend the circumstances allow it, as you all know Maho and Erika were killed a few nights ago and the news didn't have any information at the time but now that a few days have passed we have the truth, Maho and Erika were murdered in cold blood"

Gasps emerged from the crowd which isn't normal for a funeral but Shiho decided to say it and reveal the truth

She continued by saying "what happened was tragic indeed and we will find who did it and bring them to justice, justice being the firing squad with our tanks, but enough of that, Maho and Erika led great lives and were best friends, they were rivals to some and families to others"
She looked at Miho during that. "but most importantly they were good mentors to the students here and I know that they will be deeply missed" she continued by reading a poem that was written by some of the commanders, then she had the local priest say some words and then they ended up going to the cemetery and buried their coffins.
After the funeral, Shiho came up to Miho and said

"Look you're the only family I have left and I know I haven't been a very good mother to you because of your decisions in the past and I'm sorry for treating you that way, I understand if you don't want to come back, you've made quite a impression on that school and I don't blame you for wanting to stay there, all I ask is that you please be careful, I know I don't show it physically but I love you and I don't want what happened to Maho or your father, happen to you because I couldn't live with myself."

Miho being surprised by such comments by her mother started sobbing and through her tears said while hugging Shiho "I love you too mom and don't worry I'll be as safe as possible and if Oorai gets any intel on the person who did it I'll let you know as soon as possible"

They stopped hugging just as Koume Akaboshi, another person who knew Maho, came over to talk to Shiho, Miho left to talk with her friends and Koume said "so I know this may not be the right time to ask but what's going to happen with the Shenshado team, will I be promoted or not?" Shiho responded saying "I'm going to search for a new commander and vice, you keep your current position."
"Yes ma'm" Koume said

Shiho wondered who in the world she could get, not a lot could live up to the standards of what she wanted and just as she was about to walk away, Kay came up to her and said "pardon me but I overheard one of your students talking about how you need a new commander and vice, now I would totally put myself up for the challenge but if it's all the same I would like to recommend my sister, Tanya."

Shihos eyes widened and now curious she said "yes I've seen your battle tatics in Saunders and I hate to say it almost rivals ours, what could your sister offer me?"

Kay smiled and said "well you're in luck because our battle tatics come from my sister, she's never on the field but she wants to be"

"Hmm interesting, thank you that's all I needed to know" Shiho said

The night after she called up the headmaster at Saunders and on the other line he answered.
"Ah Shiho nishizumi there must be some reason why you're calling me this late, is it because you want to back out of our future match" he said while chuckling.

Shiho not having it said "that would be dishonourable for me to do that, plus we can't have it if I have no commanders, I'll have my way with the higher ups to delay if possible but what I called for tonight is for one question..

What can you tell me about Tanya Degurechaff?"

Authors notes: well hope you all enjoyed the chapter and this is my longest one to date so I'll probably take a little break from this but again all rights go to the creators of girls und panzer and saga of Tanya the evil.

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