Chapter 3: The Meeting

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Tanya sat in the lunchroom eating and pondering how someone like Maho and Erika could be targeted and why were they murdered, it racked her mind until a voice over the intercom said
"Tanya Degurechaff, please come to the headmasters office" Tanya muttered "what could possibly be happening now that I'm being summoned to the office"

She walked up and knocked on the door where she was met with the headmaster "welcome miss Degurechaff we have a guest here wanting to meet you" he pointed over to the side of the room where Shiho was standing.

Tanya stood in shock wondering why the mother of the recently deceased had shown up to meet with her of all the people and why she had shown up at Saunders of all places.

"Ah Miss Degurechaff it's a pleasure to meet you face to face finally" Shiho said in a monotone voice

"You as well Ma'm, but let's drop the formalities why are you here? If it's regarding your daughter and her friend I can assure you Saunders had nothing to do with it" Tanya told her with a now stern tone

"I am not here to make accusations against any of the schools including yours, I have a feeling it's someone else, but that is not why I'm here, I'm here to discuss an opportunity for you at Kuromorimine and one for your sister as well" Shiho replied

Tanya knowing that this wasn't about the murder but about who would take Maho and Erika's Place as commander and vice commander in Shensado realized her dreams might just become a reality.

Shiho continued "I want to give you and your sister Kay an opportunity to become our new commanders for Shensado in our school, I understand that Saunders has been getting quite a lot of victories in the last few matches they've had and it's all thanks to you, even though you're not on the battlefield, but I want to change that I want you to be on the battlefield for Kuromorimine and again with your sister by your side. If you accept I will arrange a plane for you to arrive in the morning tomorrow"

Tanya was just about to accept but then hesitated "well I would but then I'd leave my sister and plus I have to talk to her about it first"..

Kay walked in and all excitedly said "Don't worry sis I already know,  I told Alisa and Naomi that they are going to take our positions"

Tanya hugged Kay and after she said "Yes Shiho I accept let's do this!"

Shiho nodded her head and all she told Tanya was "See you in the morning for training"

Shiho left and later in the evening Tanya and Kay packed their things and had a little chat.

"So I guess this is a new start for us" Kay said

"Yeah I guess it is and it's crazy to think I'll be the new commander and actually on the battlefield"
Tanya replied

"You know I'm proud of you and excited to see how this goes"
Kay told Tanya

"Thanks and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous but hey at least we'll both be on the battlefield together"
Tanya replied

Kay nudged her on the arm and laughed and said "yeah we'll make a fine team"

"Yeah we will" Tanya said

Later on they gave hugs well mostly Kay did as Tanya didn't have too much of a relationship with any of the girls but she gave them a nod and they saluted her and they boarded the plane east to start their next adventure.

Authors note: so that concludes the third chapter of this book and I know it wasn't as long as the last chapter and I hope to make these next ones a little more longer especially with the tank matches. I should say again all rights go to the people who created the saga of Tanya and girls und panzer.

Tanya:  Commander of KuromorimineWhere stories live. Discover now