Chapter 7: Post Match

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"We have news that about 15 students from both Kuromorimine and saint Gloriana have unfortunately died. The cause has been known to be fires inside their tanks. Police are looking further into it"

Tanya sat on her bed, eyes glued to the Tv trying to figure out how the academy would miss the inspection of the tanks and how they would even allow Jefferson and his ruthless students to join the match. She knew it was pointless as the news would never reveal that information and that she had to dig it up herself she pondered for a while until the phone rang.

She picked it up, "hello this is Tanya"
On the other end was Miho,
"hey this Miho nishizumi, do you and Kay have time to talk with all the other commanders in the school?" She asked

"Yeah I guess" Tanya replied

"Perfect! All of us will fly out to Kuromorimine tomorrow" Miho said

"Wait but what about your mother, if she finds out she'll kill you and then myself?!" Tanya asked
"Oh that's ok she already knows" replied Miho

The phone clicked and Tanya went straight to Kay's dorm, and flung the door open

Kay was in her normal clothes which she didn't like anyone seeing her in, and as soon as Tanya walked in Kay yelped "ahh get out!" "Oh sorry Tanya thought you were someone else, you gave me quite a scare, what's up?" She asked

"Well I just got off the phone with Miho.." Tanya replied

"Oh niceee, I assume she's doing well?"

"You can ask her and all your other friends tomorrow" Tanya said

she then continued, "she called me and she and all the other commanders are coming in to talk with us about what I think is about the murders or what happened earlier today"

"Ah ok I see, I look forward to tomorrow then"
Kay said

Tanya left her to whatever she was doing before and Shiho stopped her in the hall, "sorry for interrupting your walk or whatever you're doing but I wanted to relay info to you about tomorrow, a boy from our boys division is going to come in and listen and he could provide some insight as well, if you want he is waiting outside for you"

"Thank you headmaster" Tanya said

She went outside and was greeted by a five foot eight boy with brown hair and glasses, she approached him and shook his hand saying "I'm commander Degurechaff and you are?"

"I'm major Evans" major by day detective by night, I'm here to give you some information on the murders and what possibly happened earlier today"

"Well that's a relief, ok Major, tell me what you know.."

Authors note: I apologize for not updating last week but I'll try to stay on schedule, what I might do is switch between my two stories so next week will be a break and if you're invested in the one piece the next chapter will be out, so it'll be biweekly both stories, but I promise I'll still work on them. Otherwise hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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