Chapter 4: The Arrival

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As the plane hit the runway, Tanya looked out the window and saw that she and Kay had a welcoming party waiting for them, knowing Kuromorimine though, Tanya didn't expect it to be an actual welcoming party as most of them knew they were replacing two respected commanders and Kay couldn't certainly live up to Erika's reputation and even Tanya couldn't be half the person that Maho was but nonetheless, Shiho put her trust in her so she hoped the girls at the school would as well.

Plus with Tanya's previous experience in war during her time in the empire she could probably whip them into shape as the empire and Kuromorimine were very similar.

After the plane landed, the two girls stepped off and Kay being the more excited one waved and smiled and a lot of the girls in the crowd ignored her or gave a fake smile, but Tanya on the other hand decided to use her fear tactics early and if she saw anyone out of line or looking bored she looked straight at them with a look that would scare anyone and it certainly did, when she made eye contact with some who seemed to not show respect they immediately threw up their arm to salute her.

They walked and were met by Shiho and the higher ups who were in charge of Shensado and a little speech was given by Shiho saying "we would like to welcome Tanya and her sister Kay to the school and their new home now that they've taken the position of commander and vice commander, they will be very critical for our success in both our sports and school life. We know that some of you may feel that this is disrespect to the students we lost or that these two won't measure up but let me assure you that nothing has changed, though Miss Degurechaff here may not be Maho, she certainly holds the qualities, and believe me she will be strict and will give consequences if any of you fall out of line"

There was muttering amongst the crowd which immediately stopped when one of the representatives got up and said "we will watch with great intent with how your school does as I recall the day when you guys seemed unstoppable, but with that we have decided to put Shensado matches on a month hiatus due to these recent events for the safety of students and staff at all the schools, again we're glad you have found a new commander duo but they'll have to wait."

Tanya wanted to protest but she knew that wouldn't go well so she stayed quiet, but she wondered why would they just cancel matches, yes it was for safety but because it was a murder and it seemed that Kuromorimine was the target, why would the other schools have to suffer.

It seemed that there was something much bigger than just one school being targeted and Tanya wanted to get to the bottom of it and with the month of no tank fighting maybe she could get some more clues as to why.

After the welcoming speech was done everyone headed to their classes and while Tanya was walking she was approached by Kay saying "look I know this isn't the news you wanted but on the bright side of things you're at least a commander"

Tanya sighed while saying "yeah but what good is being a commander when you can't put your skills to use"

Kay shrugged her shoulders and replied "I don't know but let's hope this month goes by fast"

Tanya nodded and then said goodbye to Kay as she ran off to class and as much as she wanted to start being a commander, Tanya now wanted to look into this case, she was no officer by any means but if she could provide at least any evidence or catch the person then maybe the month hiatus could be a little shorter and plus maybe it would give her a little more recognition and the peaceful life she always desired.

Authors note: hopefully you enjoyed the chapter and I appreciate all the reads I have been getting. If you haven't checked it out yet, I recommend reading Tanya leader of hydra by my good friend who's username is Emperordregane23  and check out his other stories too which all feature Tanya in it. In terms of my schedule this will be updated weekly and in terms of self promotion, if you're a one piece fan I recommend reading my story on that and if you're into romance books I'm currently working on one, it's still in early development and I haven't worked out how often I'll update that one. Anyways have an awesome day/night (whenever you're reading this)

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