CHAPTER 55: Tears

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I didn't know what to do. And I hated it. I hated myself for the way I reacted. And I'm sure he hates me too. How could he not.

I stayed in my room the rest of the day. I didn't even go downstairs for food. But I did hear a light knock around lunchtime. I didn't check though. Same with dinner time.

The second day came and it passed just like that.

I guess the wedding is off now. My family hates and even wants to kill Dandy and I'm sure he doesn't even want to marry me anymore.

I went to lay on the floor, just to feel something other than soft bed.

Then there was a knock and shortly after the door opened.

"Y/N?" I heard Gloria say.

"Mhm?" I hummed, but it was probably muffled by the blankets I rolled myself into.

"Are you in that blanket ball on the floor?" She asked as she got closer. Her heels clicking lightly against the floor.

"Mhm." I hummed again and moved a tiny bit so she could see I was indeed under the blankets.

"What is happening between you and Dandy?" She asked as she sat down on the bed behind me.

Since I had to answer her, I unwrapped myself from the endless amount of blankets. I must've looked like a mess, because I think Gloria almost had a stroke seeing me.

"I don't know. But I think you'll have to get rid of me." I said sadly. My voice hoarse from all the crying.

"What?" She asked concerned.

"Don't worry. Just tell me where to die and all you have to do is cover me in dirt." I said while slowly rewrapping myself in blankets.

"What are you talking about?" She asked, her voice all tiny and almost only a whisper.

"He won't marry me. I just know it. I hurt him." I said and dissapeared into the blankets.

Gloria stood up and stole the blankets from me. "Nonsense." She said as she did so. "Dandy doesn't know what's gotten into you. And neither do I!" She exclaimed.

I looked up at her and felt stupid. "I yelled at him. Told him all those things. I'm surprised he hasn't killed me yet." I said. "Maybe when he left me in the kitchen he thought I died..." I said quietly.

"Stop this instant. My Dandy would never hurt you. He loves you y/n." Gloria stated. "Now get yourself together. You two have some talking to do." She said and left the room with my blankets.

I didn't do as she said, not even bothering to get new blankets. I just curled up on the floor. But then there was another knock. Stronger than Gloria's. The door opened and I saw Dandy enter.

I sat upright, still on the floor. Breathing heavy and looking at him.

"You look awful." Was the first thing he said to me.

"You don't look too hot yourself you know." I threw back at him. It was true, his eyes were puffy, his cheeks pale and his hair was all fuzy and his clothes disheveled.

"Are you okay?" He asked after a long pause while sitting down next to me.

"Are you okay?" I asked him, instead of answering.

"Are you a parrot or my fiance?" He asked and in his eyes I could see that this was a genuine question.

"I don't know." I said truthfully as I huffed out a dry cough. "What do you think I am?" I asked and looked into his wet eyes.

"I want you to be my fiance. But I don't think that is what you want to be." He sighed.

"Of course I want to be your fiance." I said and looked at him with tightly knitted eyebrows.

"Bur I thought you hated me." He said as tears welled up in his eyes.

"What? No... I thought you hated me." I said back, tears also welling up in my own eyes.

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