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Today I am meeting with Leshawna and Bridgette for lunch. There's a lot of people I'm not in contact with anymore from "the show that shall not be named." It's nothing personal, I've just moved on, but Bridgette and Leshawna are my best friends- I guess my time on that dreadful show wasn't completely useless. I met my girls, along with DJ, I started my career, and I was lied to and completely traumatized- I guess that last part wasn't so great, it was a complete nightmare, actually. Even when I'm so busy with my company, and they're busy with the show and their careers, we still always find time for each other. It's been so long since we've all got to just hang out together with no interruptions, but I know I can always call them about anything. They've supported my business since the beginning, Leshawna and I promoted Bridgette and Geoff's surf shop when it first opened up, and I made an appearance at the grand opening, and Bridgette and I were the first to buy from Leshawna's line of nail polish when she partnered with Essie. We met when were barely adults, we were practically babies, and we've helped each other navigate through the ups and the downs. I'm always there for them, and they're always there for me. They also understand my boundaries. I guess apart of me does feel a little left out since they've continued to compete with each other on that show, but then I remember, this is the life I wanted. I'm a shoe designer, and a successful one at that.

I just don't get it. I know Chris used the 3rd season to run from the law, but how many more seasons do they need? On the bright side, it seems pretty quiet lately, I'm hoping that means the show is on an indefinite hiatus! I can finally spend some time with my friends without them having to leave every few months. I haven't even seen Gwen! Sure we talk on the phone every so often, but I miss her. We're all busy- trust me, I get it, I just don't know what she's busy with... I've moved on from "Total Drama," but, and I know how selfish I sound, now I want my friends back.

"Hey, you have a phone call on your main," Lilly, my assistant, tells me as she makes her way into the room.

"Oh, um, can you take a message?" I ask politely. "There's somewhere I have to be."

These past few months have been hectic, I need this time with my friends, or I'm going to go insane. My line is doing great, but it takes so much to keep it going, especially since I'm in the middle of building my brand new head quarters in a new location and introducing my apparel line and adding more shoes to my collection soon.

"I think you want to take this one."

I stop what I'm doing and look at her. Her expression is hard. Oh, this must be serious. I'm hoping it isn't another issue with construction. Last time I spoke to my architect, they ran into some problems and had to briefly halt production- Or maybe it's just Warner freaking out about some pimple he was telling me about the other day, he does that some times. Or maybe there's an issue with filming. Warner finally got his reality show as this big time talent manager, "Claim to Stardom." He deserves it, he's worked so hard in this industry and has been quite successful. This is what he's always dreamed of. I appreciate everything he's done for me, and I wouldn't be where I am without him. Apparently he's been having issues with one of the other managers who also stars on the show, something about them being a "jealous rodent," whatever the h3ll Warner said.

"Warner, if this is about your pimple, I told you, leave it alone! Just get some toothpaste," I say into the phone as I roll my eyes.

"Malibu!" The voice says excitingly. "It's so great to hear your voice."

Holy sh1t! It can't be-


"The one and only."

It's been so long. We cross paths every once in a while when I'm on social media, but after him and Gwen broke up, I haven't gone out of my way to contact him much. I mean, would you go out of the way to contact your friends ex? ... But Gwen doesn't go out of her way to talk to me either these days. Trent and I didn't have a problem with each other when we were competing, we were friends actually. He talked me through one of my challenges despite us being on opposition teams, and I talked Gwen into giving him a shot, we got along great now that I think about it! I don't think Gwen would mind me talking to him now, we're all adults, and she's probably moved on by now.

TDASR; Book 3 (Total Drama All-stars: Retreat)Where stories live. Discover now