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"Rock climbing was the team building challenge when I was a CIT," Courtney explains to Duncan as the duo tries to navigate their next challenge. "And if Tiffany Prisslebewski hadn't been such a lousy partner, I'd have won."

"I always said Tiffy was overrated."

"Mock all you like, Duncan, but my superior belay skills are going to assure our victory."

The camera pans over to Gwen who is struggling climbing up the pyramid.

"Hey, Gwen!" Duncan calls. "Are you going over, too?"

She let's out a grunt.

"Working on it!"

"I think Gwen could use a hand," Duncan tells Courtney.

"Fine. But only because a three person belay is stronger."

I shut off the t.v. Right now would be a good time for a bathroom break. Isn't it ironic that Courtney and Gwen use to be friends? Great friends at that. Courtney is clearly suspicious of Duncan and Gwen, as she should be. She's scared of him doing her like he did me, and I can't say I feel bad for her. I know exactly how she's feeling. The feeling of unsureness, doubt, it sucks, doesn't it?


"See, so far, so good," Warner says as I return from the bathroom.


I mean, as good as it gets when your best friends and the guy you liked very much betrays you.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"I don't know, I guess seeing Courtney and Gwen with him just puts me in a bad space. How can you smile in my face, call me your best friend, then chase after the guy I was with? It's icky behavior."

And then there's Duncan. Did he think I wouldn't see this? I just don't get it- I don't get him.

"I don't understand it either. And on national television? Are they not embarrassed?" Warner asks rhetorically.

"I'm embarrassed," I admit. "I've built walls, I've done everything for myself and my business to not be associated with this show, and yet, here we are. It's the first episode, I'm not even a competitor, and yet they're still talking about me."

"If anyone should be embarrassed, it's them. Honestly, the producers took a huge risk releasing this season. Allan already said ratings plummeted when you left, the viewers just weren't interested anymore, so of course they had to do something to draw them back in."

"I guess that's good. We all know Chris loved the attention that the show was bringing in, and the only attention he's bringing in these days is from the prison guards."

The two of us laugh. It's funny, before I joined the show, I was a huge Chris McLean fan. I never thought in a million years that the admiration and fascination I had for him would turn into this- I'm disgusted, repulsed, by him. He's not admirable, he's not fascinating- and he's not talented. I mean, have you seen his last two movies? I really thought he was the actor of our generation at one point. G0d, what was I thinking?

"Pass me the popcorn, will ya?" Warner asks.

I hand him the bucket and grab the remote before I cozy myself back under my blanket.

TDASR; Book 3 (Total Drama All-stars: Retreat)Where stories live. Discover now