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"And then she kissed him! I can't believe her, and don't even get me started with-"

"Malibu, calm down," my dad says softly.

"I am calm!"

I needed a moment. After I threw my wine glass, I thought I was fine, and for a moment I was. Then I looked at my expensive wine as it slid down my expensive wall staining my expensive floor, and it p1ssed me off. I worked hard for this house and my fancy wine glasses, and I guess apart of me is also disappointed in myself that I let these people take me out of my character.

"Ok, ok," my dad says, trying to calm the situation. "But come on, this is what we prepared for. We knew it wasn't going to be easy."

"Yeah, but I didn't expect for it to happen so fast. No warning, no nothing! He came back starting drama!"

"It is 'Total Drama,' hun," my father points out.

"I know, dad," I say with a sigh.

"Why don't you take a break? Continue tomorrow? It's already so late, and I think you need time to reset and calm your mind."

"No, I'd rather get this over with," I tell him truthfully.

"Ok, then no more throwing wine glasses at the wall. That stain is going to be a nightmare to get out."

"I make no promises."


"Previously on Total Drama World Tour..." Chris McLean starts. "London, England. Home to royalty, history, and some very hard buses. Crunch! Here, Heather went through a painful growing period, we said a surprised hello to Duncan and a sad goodbye to Noah. And last but not least, Duncan and Gwen had a steamy private moment that wasn't completely private. It's almost as if someone broke a lock on the bathroom door on purpose just so this would happen. But who's got two thumbs and would have done that? We've got nine competitors left, and a million dollars on the line. Whose game is getting old and who's strong enough to grab the gold? Find out right now on 🎶Total. Drama. World Tour!🎶"


"He looks so good! Doesn't he look good?" Courtney gushes to Gwen as she looks at Duncan dreamily.

"He looks great," Gwen says nervously. "I'm so happy... for you! Happy for you! You guys aren't dating right? Like, he hasn't asked you to be his girlfriend officially?"

"Of course not, I won't let him- not yet. Don't get me wrong, he's great, but he can do better. I made a little list of the things that need to change- But once I change these forty-seven things about him, he will be perfect, and then I'll let him be my official boyfriend."


The camera cuts to Gwen in her confessional.

"Ugh, what am I doing? The moment I finally become friend-ish with Courtney, I kiss her boyfriend- her unofficial official boyfriend- ugh, whatever they are! I'm a horrible person! If it happens again, I'll tell her. Oh, is it wrong that I really, really want it to happen again? Ugh! Horrible person!"


"You are a horrible person," Warner says outloud. He throws a handful of popcorn at the screen, then turns to me. "Forget Courtney, what about you?"

"It's so messed up! He was my guy first!"

So many flashbacks come to mind. I try to stop them, but I can't. I just can't believe this is happening. Season 2 when she was sent home for SABOTAGING her own team, she said she was rooting for me and Duncan. I just don't understand. When did she first start having feelungs for him? Was it after I left, or where they there all along along?

TDASR; Book 3 (Total Drama All-stars: Retreat)Where stories live. Discover now