THANK YOUUUUUU SO MUCH FOR OVER 1K READS. I just went on Wattpad an hour ago and it was like 963 and then now it's at ONE THOUSAND. I can't express how much this means to me especially with how down in the dumps I have been for awhile. (It's okay. Nothing big.) You all are amazing. Thank you for making my first year on Wattpad tremendous.
Check out my other books too. For instance, Agent Snow. An orphan raised by the CIA. I do weekly updates on that book but probably more coming sooner than that for #thewattys2015. Again thank you amazing people of earth....and aliens.
-Aia 😝 (1 K) TheWattys

Teen FictionTRIGGER WARNING THIS BOOK IS ABOUT BULLYING How can one moment everything is perfect and the next your whole world is falling apart? How can you have the whole school on your side and then with the snap of a finger all against you? "Am I done?" "Is...