1 - Congratulations

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- Mr Hwang, congratulations and welcome to our company.

- Thank you.

- Work starts at 8 am, and you should not be late. President does not tolerate late arrivals, he expects punctuality from everyone.

- Understood.

- Your desk will be on 29th floor. It is a rare opportunity for someone to start that high up in the company, I hope you understand that. Considering that a lot of sensitive business decisions is made in 29th's meeting rooms or president's office, it's extremely important you remain professional and quiet at all times. You're supposed to provide the information that you're asked to share, and leave the decisions for executives, is that clear?

- Yes.

- Your monthly evaluation will be done in this office. I expect these meeting to be quick, with no issues raised. I have a good feeling about you Hwang, and I think you won't let me down.

- Thank you Ms. Lee.

- One more thing. Your education path in US is impressive, and I'm sure you'll be an asset for the company. But, this is not America. Always respect senior staff members, and don't complain for occasional late work hours. Now, go home and get ready for your first day tomorrow.

- Yes, will do.

Hyunjin likes Ms Lee's almost motherly style of speaking. Straight to the point and no hidden agenda. She reminds him of his mom a little bit. He really plans to give his best at work and even make Ms Lee proud because she has faith in him. Surely, this is a beginning of a great chapter in his life.

As he exits out of the tall, impressive skyscraper to join bustling city streets, he opens his phone. The first person to call is his best friend who's probably waiting for the call right now.

- I got the job!!!

- I knew it, I knew you'd get it! I was not worried at all.

- You always worry, Felix.

- Fine, sometimes I worry a little, but who cares now - you got the job! A really cool job! I bet you'll carry one of those briefcases, or whatever that's called, and look like a COE.

- CEO.

- Yeah whatever. I'm so proud of you. We should celebrate!!

- Wait, wait... I didn't get my first paycheck yet.

- A pay-check... look at you, you even speak the lingo.

- Not everybody can be a talented artist like you.

- Pffftt... what a great artist I am. Dance classes for neighborhood kids... I was supposed to have my own driver and live in a mansion by now!

- Then you wouldn't share apartment with me.

- True, true, but does it have to be a tiny 2-bedroom?

- Hey, who knows, maybe things turn better for us.

- Yes, you'll be my sugar daddy and buy me a house.

- Sure, Felix.

- Ok now hurry back, I made dinner.

- Am I going to like it?

- Of course you will! I have to take good care of you now. I found some barely expired stuff in the fridge.

- Ok, I'll be home soon.

- Mwaaa! - Felix sends a big smooch to the phone.


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