24 - I did something

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Felix opens the door to his dance practice room and instantly feels at home. He turns on the lights and connects his phone to the speakers. Music fills up the room, splashes into walls and bounces back to him.
It's a good feeling.

This is the best part of his day, before students come in. He likes his students, well, most of them..., but nothing beats having the whole space for yourself.
His feet start moving and ruffle up music waves that spread through the room.

It's been three years since he stopped his training to become a kpop idol.
It still hurts.
When they said he wasn't progressing, or whatever stupid reason was given... it was something about standing out too much, and not being in sync with others... Stupid. Dance is not marching! Dance is expressive, emotional, the whole experience...
Maybe he really isn't made to be a missing piece of a puzzle. He's the whole puzzle!

At least he does what he loves for living, as a dance teacher. Sometimes with rich kids who think he should turn them into a next idol, even if they don't have any talent. But most of dancers he works with are talented, hard-working, and driven. His kind of people. People who need to express their emotions through movement, people who're creative, who see the world in colors.

Oh.. this song...!
As a new, fast-pace song starts, he instantly changes his mood from depressing to cheerful. He dances and makes high jumps with ease.

Tonight he has a date again.
Felix smiles every time he thinks of Changbin. It's a reflex, he can't help it.

The first thing that attracted him to Changbin was his muscular body - he looks like a protector, a guardian. Someone who will protect Felix at all times, at any cost, and carry him when he's sad.

But what he didn't expect to find was a gentle sweetheart. Someone who always tries to be positive and see good in people. He's like a manga character in real life; strong outside, sweetheart inside. And yes, Felix is totally whipped over him.

Changbin told him all about his father, and why they won't be going to family gatherings together. It's a bit disappointing because Felix would love to be part of a big, loving family.
But most of all, he hates to hear his Binnie experienced so much pain because of his own father.
Who cares about his family anyway? Screw them! Felix doesn't see any members of his family either.

A message is announced.
Felix runs and hopes it's his Binnie.

Felix I think I did something bad


I kind of adopted someone...

Who?? What?

Look at that face


I couldn't leave him alone

Of course you couldn't!!!
I love that face!!!

Puppies need a lot of care
so maybe we can do this
together if u want

Duuuh ofc

So you don't think it's a bad idea?

I want to see our baby!!!

We're just outside of the studio...

The very next moment, doors are aggressively slamed open, and Felix runs outside to meet the puppy and his beau. He finds them by the stairs, underneath a street light.

Changbin holds the puppy inside his jacket to keep him warm and safe. All you see is a little black nose and beautiful eyes.

Felix squeals in excitement and holds hands close to his mouth, than looks at Changbin with adoration.



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