5 - Numbers

944 55 12

Hyunjin works non stop. He never leaves office and he even eats lunch at his desk. There's actually no need to leave office because he's surrounded with glass walls and can see everything. Except Chan's office of course. That one is hidden with thick walls and big heavy door.

It's been a while since Hyunjin visited the IT team on 10th and he thinks it would be good moment to sneak out for a short break. As he gets up and heads to the elevator, his phone rings. Ms Kim asks to bring over a monthly analytics data.

Hyunjin takes his work and walks over to her. She expects to see a piles of paper, but he approaches empty handed.

- Oh, you want me to print reports?

- No, not at all. It's just that there is no need for printing. I can show all the graphics on display. It's easier to see on the large screen and visuals are 3d... we're really not showing a lot of information when printing on paper.

- So... can you present this data in a meeting?

- Yes, sure.

- Ok, be there at 2pm and be ready. If something fails, you can print your cv instead.

As he turns away from her desk, he gets a little sneak peak into Chan's mysterious office. Inside the office-cave, Chan is pacing, looking upset and talking to someone loudly. Someone tries to speak up. He stops walking, gives a stern look to the other man, and slightly tilts his head.

There is a deadly silence in the room. The scene is quite intense. This is a very different Chan then the one he'd seen on internet. He looks irritated and even ready to break some-
Ms Kim closes the door. We'll never know what happens next.

At 2pm sharp, a bunch of grey suits start entering the meeting room. Hyunjin has everything ready on the large wall screen. Once they all take a seat, Chan enters the room and flops into the seat at the top of the long table. Still looks just as pissed as he was earlier.

Hyunjin knows he can pull off a confident presentation even at the most stressful situations. He straightens up his posture, gives a confident look to the audience and starts talking.

Everybody pays attention to his words. He can see people understand what he's saying, they nod and follow the display on the screen. That gives him another boost of confidence. Presentation is short and clear. Before you know it, he ends his talk.

- ...and that wraps up the monthly data report. Any questions?



- Mr... - Chan's voice is heard from the other side of the room.

- Hwang. Hyunjin, Hwang.

- Mr Hwang, presentation was good.

- Thank you.

- However...

...you presented our Korea numbers and this meeting is scheduled to discuss the Japan sale.

Hyunjin's face is - fuming.

Mr Big Guy let him talk and didn't interrupt knowing all along that he was on a completely wrong subject?

- I can present Japan data as well, Mr Bang.

- No. Now we have to move on to the next topic on our agenda. That will be all.

"I hate this guy." is written all over Hyunjin's face.

As he opens the door and is about to leave this horrible, embarrassing meeting...

- Mr Hwang...

- Yes?

- Come to my office at 5 and show me the Japan data.

- Yes Sir.


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