18 - The fix

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Hyunjin can't sleep.
He tosses around the bed trying to find a good position to sleep. It's one of those nights when your brain decides to contemplate deep thoughts.

And the brain thinks it's funny how Felix and Chan are so different, like day and night. Felix has such a vivid personality, he's like a little burst of energy. But Hyunjin is the one who knows what Felix is like in bed. He is sweet and calm. It's like sex soothes him, makes him more focused and tranquil.

On a night like this, Hyunjin would definitely go for Felix's silky skin and touches. But he won't because he's Chan's now.

Chan takes what he wants in bed, he has this sexual energy that can be satisfied just for a little while, but then he goes for more.

While Felix leaves you all lulled and relaxed, Chan leaves you breathless like you just bungee jumped.

Felix and Hyunjin used to switch in bed, take different roles, while with Chan there is no conversation - the ride goes one way only. And he is so damn good at it. Like he's made to satisfy him, to reach that perfect spot that makes him black out a little.

Maybe that's why Hyunjin feels so needy all the time. He had a taste of something so wild and different, now his body craves for more.

- Incoming call  -

Is it day already? Hyunjin looks at time. It's 3 am. Who's calling in a middle of a night?

- Hello?

- Babe get out of the bed, and come down, I'm waiting in the car.

- Oh, you drove here? So, you miss me, huh?

- No talking, just get out of the bed and come down. You're staying at my place tonight.

- Ok.

Hyunjin puts on whatever clothes he finds because he's in a rush too. Before leaving, he scribbles a note for Felix:
I'm at Chan's, don't worry.

Once he enters the car, he sees that Chan is not in his work clothes. It looks like he was home, and then missed him and drove here to get his fix. It seems their brains are on the same frequency.

- That phone report was something else... - says Chan while rubbing his chin and holding a steering wheel with the other hand. Eyes on the road, doesn't dare to look at the passenger. Yet.

- You liked it?

- I just got out of my bed in a middle of the night to see you. Hell yeah it was a good report! But I need a full exposition. I told Jiwoo to clear my morning schedule.

- Oh but I have to show up at work at 8. Mr Park gave me the nu -

- Don't worry about Park.

And so Hyunjin doesn't worry about Park, or work, or anything any more. He lets Chan lead. In every possible way. Even in bed, Chan does what he wants and Hyunjin just enjoys the ride.

The ride starts at the elevator. It's the glass elevator that everybody can see, but it's 3am and they don't give a fuck. Chan leans his whole body on Hyunjin and kisses his neck, sucks on the skin, marks what's his. The branding doesn't stop until the elevator doors open to their private floor.

- Go to bedroom. - Chan orders and Hyunjin obeys, liking this dominant side he sees tonight.
Chan turns off some kind of alarm, removes shoes and drops his car keys in the golden bowl by doorway. He pours a glass of ice cold water in a kitchen and drinks up.

- It's insane! - he says to himself referring to the fact he got out of bed at night to get his drug.

With one track mind, he heads to the master bedroom. On his way, he pulls his shirt off with one swift move, invisible to a human eye, and lets down his shorts leaving a trail of clothes behind. A definite sign that the bedroom is about to see some action. Even the gold chain happily jingles around his wide neck.

He opens bedroom door and finds Hyunjin in his black briefs.

- Take it off.

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