21 - Lasagne

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- It.... was.... perfect....... - Felix dreamily sighs and hums.

- There you go, you got yourself a kiss you dreamed off!

- And tonight, Changbin will get a dinner he dreamed of.

- What're you making?

- Lasagne.

- Lasagne? Seriously Felix, where do you even find these recipes?

- I like international food! And since I'm in love, I feel like eating French cuisine.

- I'm pretty sure lasagne is Italian dish.

- Well it sounds French to me.

- Should I disappear and leave you two alone?

- No, please stay. It... it kind of helps me be less nervous when you're around...

-Sure, I'll stay.

In a little while, a doorbell is heard and Felix jumps to open the door. Changbin just keeps winning all stars for boyfriend-of-the-year award. Today, he brought a box of fine chocolate for his favorite guy. Felix turns to Hyunjin and makes the OMG face, loving this.

As it turns out, lasagne are kind of edible. Changbin even asks for an extra portion to show how much he likes it. Felix proudly puts another slice on his plate. One more slice is put in the plastic container for Changbin to take to work tomorrow and to think of him during the lunch break. Hyunjin just rolls his eyes at the cuteness of two lovebirds.

Changbin looks at the blond chef and says:

- I don't know how to cook at all. This was amazing Felix.

- Thank youuuu. And I don't know how to do computer stuff at all. But now I know you, so you can help me.

- Sure, just call me if you need anything.

- Do you have to be at work at exactly 8 am like Hyunjin?

- No, it's different for us in IT. The system can have problems at any time, day or night, so we have to be available all the time, and we have more flexible working hours.

- Ooh..  so nobody can work until you fix the problem. You're like the most important there.

- I wouldn't say that... but when you work crazy hours sometimes you see crazy things.

- Oooh... like what?

- One time I went to 29th... Bang and Ms Kim were doing some non-work related stuff...

- Really? - Hyunjin suddenly finds interest in the conversation - Do tell..

- Nothing really to say except that his office doors, those that are always closed, were not closed all the way, and I could hear Ms Kim... you know..

- Maybe it was someone else, not Bang.

- No, he left the office soon after. And that was the time when he was still married. Crazy.

- Oh but we also have a dessert! It's a tiramisu! - Felix tries to erase everything that Changbin just shared with some sugar. It's not helping. Hyunjin is sulking.

At the end of the evening, Hyunjin goes out "for a walk". Felix and Changbin wash dishes together and then they sit at the sofa silently. For exactly 10 seconds (Felix counted).

Once the 10 seconds expire, Felix leans in and initiates a kiss that soon turns into a whole makeout session with Felix sitting in Changbin's lap and Changbin holding his tiny waist.
It's hard to tell how long that lasts because they lose track of time at some point, all too busy exploring each other's lips.

It is hard to say goodbye but eventually Changbin has to go. With his lunch for tomorrow, of course.
He decides to walk home because he feels like he really needs to clear his thoughts a little. And the most important thought of all - his homophobic father.

His father can never find out that his son is seeing a guy. Changbin is already a disappointment for not becoming a doctor or engineer like his brothers. But this... this would be beyond the disappointment.

The fact that his family would disown him for liking men doesn't hurt. But his father's anger and verbal beating... that's what keeps him in place. Just thinking about what his father would yell at him makes Changbin feel so small and expendable.

And just when he's at his lowest point, a spark of the light appears. He sees Felix's little lunch box, and remembers how he smiled when he handed the box to him.

That smile.... can melt glaciers. That smile woke up Changbin's soul that has been frozen for years. With Felix, it's like turning black and white movie into colors.

So Changbin presses the little plastic container close to his chest to feel the warmth of Felix.... the love he put in making this horrible lasagna. He could cook a shoe as far as Changbin is concerned, and he'd eat it.

Before losing his courage, he quickly pulls out his phone and types:

Thank you for the lovely evening.
I hope it's not too much but.. can I see you tomorrow too?

The response comes instantly:

I can't wait!

Changbin won't admit this, but he wipes off a tear while holding the precious lunch box.


This is one of my favorite chapters ever. I'll always melt, no matter how many times I read it 🫠☺️

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