11 - Morning meeting

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The next morning, Hyunjin wakes up at six, as usual. He feels a bit sore from yet another raging night in Chan's bed. The man has a crazy stamina and sexual appetite. Not that Hyunjin's complaining...

So even that soreness on his skin feels sweet like he just reached a mountain peak. Or several peaks to be precise.

Again, sheets are clean and show no sign of last nights' activities. Surely Chan cleaned him up. Or he has a maid who cleans up any evidence of sex before morning. Hyunjin chuckles at the silly idea, but then again, somebody is cleaning this huge place... maybe they should head out before the cleaning crew comes? He gently nudges Chan and says:

- Hey, you promised me a breakfast if I stay.

Chan opens one eye and looks at Hyunjin's pretty face.

- You are my breakfast. - he says and scoots underneath sheets.

- No no no, Chan, wait, Chan... oooh mmmmaaaahhh... oh Chan... oh... Chan... aaaaah......oh gosh...

A few minutes later, Chan reappears from underneath the sheets.
Now that he is satisfied with his breakfast, he gets up and orders the actual food.

He leaves Hyunjin in bed, panting and all blushed. He doesn't even count any more how many times he came with Chan in just two nights.

After the shower, Chan opens up a sliding door to the walk-in closet. The closet is pretty much size of Hyunjin's apartment, and he yells from inside:

- Take something from here, Hyunjin... you don't have fresh clothes for work, so just wear mine.

"So that's Chan in the morning. He doesn't ignore me, he's not pushing me out, he's nice and sweet. And horny."

Hyunjin sits back, leans at the headboard and watches as his boss/lover gets ready for work. He probably has some super important meeting where money is going to be discussed like it's nothing. The fancy suit he just picked from the walk-in cave fits him like a glove. He's just too perfect... Hyunjin has to mess it up a little..

So, he slides down to the edge of the bed and grabs hold of Chan's legs.

- You are now going to stay here and not move until I say so.

- Oh really?

- Yes, really. - he says looking up at Chans' eyes but at the same time unbuttoning his slacks and pulling the zipper down.

- I have a meeting.

Hyunjin rubs him through the underwear and says:
- Well then... you can tell them you had a morning blowjob scheduled... and you don't want to skip that..

- I... I don't want to skip that.

- Now, show me what you got.

With those words, he pulls the boxers down. The cock happily jumps up released from the fabric.

- Well, hello there...

He grabs hold of it with his hand and gives it a lick. Still trying to keep an eye contact with Chan, he opens his mouth and starts playing with the sensitive skin. Finally, he closes eyes and completely enjoys the feeling in his mouth, and even moans a little.

Chan is losing his mind, watching him naked, beautiful, and so passionately trying to please him. He's carefully watching as he's using tongue to lick the whole length before sliding the hand up and down. Chan puts his hand on Hyunjin's head and tries to push in a little... feeling back of his mouth feels so good...

Hyunjin likes seeing Mr Bang at his mercy, unable to say no to him. Bang's pleasure is completely in Hyunjin's hands (and mouth). He teases by going slowly or using a different pressure with his fingers. Some incoherent language is coming out of Chan.

When Chan reaches his peak and lets everything out, Hyunjin gets up with a seductive look on his face. With a thumb, he brushes his red lips, swollen from the sultry work he just did on his boss, and, with the other hand, gives him a a squeeze on a butt.

- You can go to your meeting now.

Chan's knees feel weak.
"What is this man doing to me?"

—- —- —-

Later that day:

- Finally, he's home!

- Ooh I'm so sorry Felix..

- No, no, no, you're not sorry. You're now going to sit down and tell me everything. Cause if you don't, then you'll really have something to be sorry about.

- Ok, I deserve that.

- Go ahead, I'm listening.

- Fine, we'll start with Wednesday...

- Wait, wait, hold that thought! Let me grab my snacks... ok, ready... go!!

- Ok, first there was this meeting with the executive staff, and Chan made a total fool of me.

- Chan, huh? Not Mr Bang, huh?

- Well, after the embarrassing meeting, he invited me for a dinner and that was really nice, we talked for hours. He was checking me out, I knew he wanted me.

- Okay go on...

- At the end of the evening, we kind of ended up at his place...

- Don't skip details!

- Fine. First, he wanted to drive me home, but I ... didn't feel like going home, and he kind of proposed we go to his place...

- Smooth...

- Anyway... long story short...

- No, no! Long story.

- We ended up in his bed and, let me tell you, it was sooo good...

- I bet it was!

- In the morning I sneaked out..

- Mhm what?? Why?

- I don't know. It made sense at that time.

- Hyunjin... you fool.. you didn't think about calling me and asking for advice? I don't care if I'm deep asleep, I'll always answer your call!

- I should have called you. He was so angry later that day, and told me to never leave like that again.

- Oh.... he wanted more... I see. - Felix is delighted with this story, and just keeps eating snacks to calm the excitement.

- And that's how I ended up in his bed again on Thursday evening...

- What happened in the morning??

- Oh just the best blowjob ever... and he ordered breakfast, and gave me his clothes to wear and.. aaaah screw it!
I'm crazy about this guy...

- My Jinnie... you're in love...

- I am. Help.


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