7 - Drive

851 37 22

- Shall we go?

- Yes Chan, sure, yes, it's late. - Hyunjin, completely flustered, quickly gets up and starts looking for his bag, but in all the rush, unfortunately, he bumps his head on the shelf behind them.

A very juicy and elaborate curse comes out of Hyunjin's mouth. Chan lets out a little laugh, and immediately comes closer to see is he okay. He's genuinely worried and looks at Hyunjin's head to inspect the skin.

- It's ok, it's just a little bump. You'll be ok. - he reasures him - But that cursing was something else, Hyunjin. You're worse than me.

He puts hand on his head where the little bump is forming, and shamelessly inhales Hyunjin's smell.  Their eyes meet again.
Hyunjin sees a bit of lust in those eyes. He knows very well how to seduce someone, so he looks at Chan with his big eyes, and gently bites his plump lips, before parting his mouth and exhaling.

Chan looks very, very attentively at each move, and gulps. His hand slips from Hyunjin's head down to the cheek. With a thumb, he touches corner of his lips. Hyunjin leans in and gives his thumb a little playful bite.
Chan's so turned on it hurts.

The moment is gone when restaurant staff start walking around them.

As they head out of the restaurant, Hyunjin thinks how he doesn't want this evening to end. From now on, he'll have to work with Mr Park, not with Chan. Who knows if he'll ever get to speak with him again. Maybe this is just a once-in-a-blue-moon night when Chan hangs out with a new employee.

- Where do you live? I'll drive you home. - Chan asks looking away, like he's fighting the urge to stare at his company.

- I....

... I don't feel like going home.

That one sentence feels like a tide of pleasant sensations all over Chan's body. There is a serious situation happening in his pants right now, just from this little word play. How did this evening unravel so fast?

They walk in sync and head to the parking. Chan keeps his head up, looking all powerful and confident. He aggressively plays with the car keys and flips them around his finger.

- If you don't tell me where to go, I'll just take you to my place. - the answer comes in a slightly deeper, darker voice.

A silence on Hyunjin's side is a definite confirmation they have the same idea on their mind. As they enter the car, they sit quietly for a few seconds. You can only hear Chan's key chain in his strong hands.

Finally, Chan says defeatedly:

- I can't. You're my employee.
It's wrong.

- We're not in the office now. - Hyunjin responds softly. Hopefully.

- Are you sure about this? I don't take people to my place for work discussions. - Chan gives one last opportunity to back away before they jump.
- I'm sure. I wanna be yours.

Chan firmly grabs the steering wheel.
He knows Hyunjin only for a few hours. He could get hit by a harassment suit tomorrow, and that would sink any possibility of a merger with China partners. A scandal like that would affect the company reputation and the revenue... 

He should just call Jiwoo and release this sexual tension on her.
She won't mind.

But instead, he turns on the car engine and heads to his place...


And the time has come to reveal my inspiration for this story.
Each time I give story a title it's inspired by a different song ❤️‍🔥


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