14 - The box

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- Why again you have to update it? - Hyunjin turns to Changbin and asks impatiently.

- For security and cyber protection. There's too much junk mail coming through, and this shouldn't be happening so... it's my job to make sure it doesn't happen. I'll just update this program for you.

- Ok...

- Anyway, your friend, what's his name... Felix?

- Yes.

- How is he doing?

- Good.

- He could come visit us again.

- Ok.

Changbin is very annoyed with uninterested Hyunjin. He clearly came over to find out more about Felix, but now it seems like Hyunjin is blocking him. He doesn't pay any attention to questions, and just scribbles something on a paper. Wtf?

- Here! - he hands out the paper with Felix's phone number. - This is his number. Make one frown on his face, and I'll install a virus on your central computer. Or, I'll spill ramen on it. Your choice.

- I won't do that.

- Felix is the best person I know. Too kind for this world. If you just make him slightly sad...

- I get it man, I won't.

- Do I really need a virus update?

- No.

- I thought so. Bye now, loverboy!

Hyunjin is cranky today. He is not quite used to dating someone who travels all the time, or is always busy with work.

He wants to be the priority, not somewhere at a bottom of the list.
He wants to feel arms wrapped around his body at night. He wants morning sex for breakfast. And he's not getting any of it because of some dumb business trip again.

His crankiness is interrupted with a phone call. A number on the screen means the call is coming from Chan's office. He instantly forgets his moody thoughts and is on his jolly way to see the boss in his office.

- You're back!!

- Just arrived. I'm not going to travel for next five days.

- Oh, so I'm stuck with you for five long days?

- I know you don't mind that... - Chan says from his big leather seat with a wide smile on his face.

- Well... I could get used to having you around. - Hyunjin speaks slowly, and is tracing his finger on the long desk, coming closer and closer to Chan.

Finally the finger stops in front of Chan, slides down to his thigh and travels up to the belt.

- Hyun, I have a meeting in 5 minutes.

- That means you'll have to make it up to me tonight.

- You can ask whatever you want.

- Good.

- Until then, I have something for you.

Hyunjin excitedly looks in Chan's hands and sees a little bag with the well-known fashion name. But, the bag is quickly moved out of his reach.

- Ok listen. Maybe you like it, maybe you hate it... I don't know why but, when I saw it, I thought of you.

Hyunjin is now walking around Chan and reaching for the bag, but he keeps moving it.

- No, you don't get to see it yet! Open it when you are home alone. If you hate it, throw it away. I don't want you to take it just because it came from me. Is that clear?

- I don't think I can wait that long...

- Then you're not going to get it.

- Fine, fine, I'll wait till I'm home alone.

- Ok, that's better.

Hyunjin takes the much wanted fancy bag and puts it behind his back so Jiwoo doesn't see it on a way out. He's finally entertained.

The expectation of opening the box will occupy his thoughts so he doesn't think about silly business trips.


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