Chapter 1: Shattered Beginnings

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Cassandra's POV:

"Don't ever come back here," the words hung in the air, an ominous decree that left me homeless and utterly alone. I began the disheartening task of collecting the possessions they had carelessly cast aside, sifting through the wreckage of photographs that chronicled happier times. Once my meager belongings were assembled, I sought refuge at the home of my dearest friend, Eliza.

"Eliza, I have no..." I began, my voice trailing off as she interjected.

"You know, Cass, you can stay here for as long as you need," her voice carried warmth and reassurance.

"Thank you."

The irony was stark: those who should have been my pillars of support had crumbled beneath me, behaving as if I had never been a part of their lives. Today, I bade farewell to my twin brother and, in a cruel twist of fate, my entire family. We had returned only recently from Kayden's funeral, a solemn event that marked the end of an era. Kayden, always the vibrant soul, the heartbeat of our family, was gone. In just a matter of hours, I had lost everything that had given my life meaning. With a heavy heart, I opened the book Kayden had started writing for me, a testament to his creativity and our unique bond. He was an author who had woven a fantastical world where I was the princess destined for a fairy tale ending. But with Kayden's departure, my happy ending had unraveled, leaving me adrift. He was the only person who truly comprehended me, the catalyst for my feeble attempts at making friends. When I first met Eliza, she and Kayden were already dating, and an instantaneous connection had formed between her and me. Since that day, she had been my sole confidante and closest friend.

"Cass, come and have something to eat," Eliza urged, concern etching her features.

"I'm not hungry, Eli." I dabbed at my tear-stained cheeks before turning to her.

"Please, for me, Cass."

"Eli, I promise I'll eat later. I just don't have an appetite. How are you holding up?"

"I'm okay, I guess," she replied, taking a seat beside me.

"You know I'm here for you."

"Yes, but I wish we had more time together. I love Kayden so deeply. Wherever he is now, I hope he's free from pain. And my love for him will endure."

Eliza continued "You know I'm here for you, right?"

"I do. That's why I came to you." I mustered a weak smile, though the pain lingered.

Eliza embraced me tightly, fearing that I might withdraw. The moment her arms enveloped me, the dam I had built to contain my emotions burst open. I wept for Kayden, for the family I had lost, and for myself. Each tear that flowed down my face served as a poignant reminder of the anguish I had suppressed. Kayden should have been by Eliza's side, comforting her in her time of sorrow. Yet here she was, offering solace to me.

"Eli, why not me? Why Kayden? He should be here with us."

"Shh... Don't speak like that, Cass. I know he should be here, but he was suffering, and now he's free from pain and exhaustion. He's in a better place."

"I... I killed him."

"You didn't. It wasn't within your control."

"They believe I killed him."

"No, they're mistaken. Cassandra, believe me, you did everything in your power to save him. Their accusations are unfounded, and they will realize it in due course." I gently pushed away from her.


"Cass, please, listen to me."




I killed him.

I killed Kayden.

I killed my brother.

I, a physician, couldn't save my own flesh and blood. It was undeniable; I was a murderer.

"I didn't kill him."

"You didn't kill him, Cassandra. Breathe."

"I didn't kill him."

"Cassandra, focus on me. Breathe, take deep breaths."

I tried to heed Eliza's soothing voice, but it proved impossible. Amid the cacophony of voices in my head, I lost track of her. I was gasping for air.

"I didn't kill him." Those words were the last coherent thoughts before darkness claimed me.

Author's Note:

Dear Readers,
Thank you for diving into the first chapter of "Beyond the sands of time" Your support means the world to me. Stay tuned for more!

Warm regards,

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