Chapter 6: Whispers of Understanding

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We spent an hour or so engaged in light conversation, discussing various topics. Ivan provided me with details about my recent accident, attributing it to my imbalance, which had resulted in a two-day slumber for me. My mind drifted into thoughts about how those two days had passed, bringing tears to my eyes. I shook my head, struggling to suppress the painful memories.



"I've been trying to get your attention for the past ten minutes. Is everything okay? Are you feeling unwell? Do you need me to call the physician?"

"No, I'm fine. I was just lost in thought."

"Raven, don't overexert yourself trying to recollect everything," he advised, gently patting my head. As soon as he finished speaking, he lifted me up and carried me toward his work chair.

I gasped audibly, wrapping my arms around him tightly.

"What are you doing?" I inquired.

"I have work to attend to," he replied.

"Ah, you can leave me here on couch, and you can work."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, absolutely sure. It's rather inconvenient to work with the extra weight, you know."

He chuckled and placed me on the couch, draping a blanket over me to ensure I could comfortably rest while he worked. Returning to his workspace, he resumed his tasks. I lost track of time, contemplating how to reveal the truth about my situation to him. I shook my head, recalling Eliza's advice, and found myself entranced by the sight of Ivan Hausen Crawford diligently working on something evidently significant, as indicated by his furrowed brow and his right hand repeatedly running through his hair every five minutes. I understood that closely observing someone in this manner might seem strange, but I couldn't resist.

"It's rather intriguing, the way you're observing me, Raven," Ivan chuckled.

I suddenly realized he had stopped working and was now reclining, gazing back at me.

"I wasn't watching you work."

"As you say, sweetheart."


"You know it's quite impolite to tell a king to hush."

"But you are my husband—" I caught myself before I could embarrass myself further.

"It's rather endearing when you refer to me as your husband," he said, smiling, which caused me to blush and look away.

"Don't you have work to do?"

He didn't respond, just laughed and returned to whatever he had been working on before.

Feeling exhausted, I closed my eyes and finally drifted off to sleep, with thoughts of this man on my mind.

Author's Note:

In this chapter, we catch a glimpse of Cassandra and Ivan's growing bond as they spend more time together. The mysteries of this new world and their evolving relationship continue to unfold. Thank you for joining me on this journey, and stay tuned for more twists and turns ahead.

With appreciation,

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