Chapter 8: Cassie's Catharsis

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The soft call of my name, "Cassie," roused me from my slumber, and I gradually stirred. "Kay," I replied sleepily, sitting up and squinting as I tried to adjust my eyes to the light. A soft chuckle escaped Kayden's lips.

"How are you feeling, Cassie?" he asked gently.

"Much better now that I've left my chamber. It was beginning to resemble a cell, and you are well aware of my aversion to extended confinement" I remarked with a hint of amusement in my voice. A faint chuckle escaped his lips.

"It's a relief to have your cheerful self back, Cassie. Those two days were filled with despair for me. I felt utterly helpless, unable to do anything for you or Ivan," Kayden confessed, his eyes filled with sincerity and concern.

"I'm sorry," I murmured, my voice heavy with regret, a sigh escaping me as I apologized for my inability to save him in the world I belonged to. Guilt weighed heavily on my heart, for I had failed to protect him when he needed it most.

"No need to apologize," Kayden reassured me, his tone a gentle caress. "Just promise me you'll stay out of harm's way, and we'll be just fine, alright?" he added, his attempt to lighten the mood accompanied by a tender smile. Yet, my emotions, once contained, spilled over, and I found myself clinging to him tightly, tears flowing freely for the losses we had endured.

"Please, Cassie, calm down. I don't want you to fall ill again," Kayden implored, his hands soothingly stroking my back, though my distress seemed insurmountable.

"Your husband would have my head if he saw that I made his dear wife cry," he continued, gently coaxing me to halt my tears. However, I teetered on the brink of a panic attack, my breaths coming in short, rapid gasps. In the midst of my turmoil, I heard Kayden urgently instructing the attendants to call for both Ivan and Eliza.

In that critical moment, gentle yet firm hands pulled me away from Kayden's embrace. "Breathe for me, love," I instantly recognized Ivan's soothing voice.

I tried to take deep breaths, but it felt like an impossible task. "Focus on my voice, love. Breathe with me, slowly, take deep breaths," Ivan instructed, and I obediently followed his guidance. Gradually, I managed to regain control of my breathing. When I looked up, Ivan had arrived, appearing as though he had rushed to be by my side.

"Thank you so much, Ivan, for your help," Eliza expressed her gratitude to him, her voice breathless, showing that she had rushed to get there.

Ivan looked at me with tenderness, wiping away my tears and gently caressing my cheeks.

"Kayden, I am so sorry," I apologized once more.

"Why are you apologizing to me, Cassie? It was not your fault," Kayden reassured me, patting my head in a comforting gesture to let me know that he held no blame against me.

"You should rest, Cass. It's time for Kayden and me to leave as well. Please take care of yourself," Eliza advised.

"I will, I promise that by the time you guys return, I'll be skipping around the palace," I replied with a playful tone, assuring her that I would be fine now, a glimmer of determination in my eyes.

With their departure, Ivan and I were left alone.

"I apologize for causing you such inconvenience," I said softly to Ivan.

"No need for apologies, love. I'm more than glad I could be here for you. In the future, should you ever require assistance with anything, don't hesitate to turn to me," he reassured me, his fingers gently tracing patterns on my cheeks.

"Well, may I ask you something?" I inquired, a hint of playfulness in my voice.

"Anything," Ivan replied with a warm smile.

"Can we eat, please? Crying is incredibly exhausting," I said with a playful grin, attempting to lighten the atmosphere that had been heavy with emotion. I felt a pang of guilt knowing that everyone had to be extra cautious around me.

Author's Note:

In this chapter, we see Cassandra's emotional struggles and the support she receives from her loved ones. Her bond with Ivan continues to deepen, as he shows great care and understanding. Stay tuned for more developments as the story unfolds.

Thank you for being a part of this journey,

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