Chapter 28: A Letter's Weight

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Cassandra's pov:

I took in our surroundings, desperately trying to convince myself that we had indeed made it back to our world.

"We made it back, Cass," Eliza's voice broke through my thoughts, and her hand on my shoulder provided a comforting reassurance.

Turning to face her, I finally took in her appearance. She looked slightly more rounded, and her bump was unmistakable. I gasped in surprise at her changed physique.

"Eli, you...?" I began to ask, the question hanging in the air.

She understood my unspoken query and nodded, a radiant smile lighting up her face. "I found out the day we returned to our world. I wanted Kayden to know about it first." Her eyes sparkled with joy.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I embraced her tightly. "I'm so happy for you," I whispered, my voice filled with genuine happiness for my dear friend.

Indeed, it was becoming evident that time flowed differently in this world compared to ours. Our absence from this realm could have spanned anywhere from mere months to possibly even years. The uncertainty of the time difference only added to the mysteries that surrounded our journey between worlds.

My thoughts were interrupted by an attendant entering the chamber.

"Queen Cassandra, you're finally awake," she smiled with visible relief.

"Yes, could you please inform Kayden?" I requested as I prepared to leave the chamber in search of Ivan. But I was stopped in my tracks by the sudden opening of the chamber door.

"Cassie!" Kayden's face lit up with a mixture of surprise, happiness, and relief.

"Kay!" I exclaimed and rushed into his arms. We embraced tightly, the realization that I had managed to return home sinking in. I pulled back, quickly ushering him toward Eliza.

"Congratulations, Kay," I smiled, ready to give them some privacy when Kayden held my wrist.

"Wait here," he said with a quick glance at Eliza before dashing out of the room.

"What was that about?" Eliza questioned, and I could only shrug in response.

Kayden returned in a hurry, handing me a letter. I looked at it quizzically.

"What is this?" I asked him.

"It's from Ivan. I'll take Eliza back to our chamber, and then I'll come find you and answer all your questions," he explained as he picked up Eliza in a bridal style.

"You're scaring me, Kayden," I admitted, worry coursing through my entire being.

He gave me a reassuring smile before carrying Eliza back to their chamber. I opened the letter to read, and it was written in Ivan's beautiful handwriting.

My dearest Raven,

I cannot express how desperately I wish to see your eyes open, to hear your voice, and to hold you in my arms. The days without you have been filled with an ache that nothing could soothe. Every morning I wake, I yearn for your presence beside me, and every night I go to sleep with the hope that the next day will bring news of your awakening.

I apologize for my absence at this very moment, but I find myself amidst preparations for a battle. Duty calls, my love, and I must see it through. The Kingdom of Eldoria has declared war against our realm, and I am obligated to defend our people. Please understand the heavy burden that weighs upon my shoulders as I make this difficult choice.

But rest assured, my dearest Raven, every step I take in this war is one that brings me closer to you. I will return to your side as soon as circumstances allow, for my heart and soul are bound to yours, and nothing in this world can keep me away from you for long.

However, my love, there is a heaviness in my heart that I must confess. I cannot predict the outcome of this battle with certainty, and the thought of the unknown troubles me deeply. I want you to know that I will fight with every ounce of strength within me, not only for the kingdom but for the promise of a future with you.

But, my love, should fate take an unkind turn and I do not return, I want you to know that you are the light of my life, the reason I breathe, and the beating of my heart. You have given my life purpose and meaning, and I carry your love with me, even into the darkest of battles.

I implore you, my dearest Raven, to stay safe, remain strong, and never lose hope. For in our love, we find the strength to endure, no matter the challenges that lie before us. Until I can hold you in my arms and see your beautiful eyes looking back at me, please know that you are loved beyond measure.

Yours always,

As soon as I finished reading the letter, the weight of its words overwhelmed me. My legs gave way, and I crumpled to the floor, the paper clutched tightly in my trembling hand. The emotions that had welled up inside me during those moments of reading spilled out, and I couldn't hold back the flood of tears that came with them.

Author's Note:

In this chapter, we see the joy and relief of Cassandra and Eliza as they return to their world, but also the uncertainty of the time difference that adds to the mysteries surrounding their journey. The emotional rollercoaster continues as Cassandra receives a letter from Ivan, filled with love and desperation, and the weight of its words leaves her overwhelmed. The journey of these characters is far from over, and the challenges that lie ahead will test their strength and love. Thank you for joining them on this adventure, and I hope you continue to enjoy their story.

Warm regards,

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