Chapter 17: A Tender Night of Care

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As Eliza's health gradually improved, she decided to return to her chamber with Kayden. This left me alone in my former chamber, providing an opportunity to reflect on recent events. A few days prior, I had witnessed Ivan, my husband, sharing smiles and an unusual closeness with a mysterious woman. This had prompted me to distance myself from him, avoiding any interaction with Ivan. During this time, Weston had been my only companion, delivering books to keep me company since I had adamantly refused to leave my chamber.

My mind wandered back to one particular evening...


One evening, as Weston handed me a stack of books, he looked at me with a knowing smile. His eyes sparkled mischievously, and he leaned in slightly, lowering his voice conspiratorially. "You know," he began, "I've noticed something, Cassandra."

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued by his sudden change in demeanor. "What is it, Weston?"

He chuckled softly, as if sharing a well-kept secret. "It seems to me that you've been avoiding Ivan quite diligently these past few days. Any particular reason for that?"

My cheeks flushed slightly, and I averted my gaze. "I... well, I saw him with that mysterious lady a few days ago, and they seemed rather close. I just don't feel like talking to him right now."

Weston's grin widened, and he teased, "Ah, Cassandra, I see what's going on here. You're in love with Ivan, aren't you?"

I stammered in response, "N-no, that's not it. I just thought it best to give him some space."

He chuckled again, not buying my feeble attempt to deny my feelings. "Cassandra, it's perfectly normal to feel a little jealous now and then, especially when you care about someone. Besides, you're married to him. You should talk to him and clear the air. Who knows, maybe there's a reasonable explanation for his closeness with that lady."

I sighed, realizing that Weston was right, but I remained stubborn. "I'll think about it, Weston. But for now, I need some time to sort out my thoughts."

Weston winked at me playfully. "Of course, Cassandra. Take your time, but remember, I'm always here to tease you about your secret love for Ivan."

I blushed even deeper, feeling a mix of embarrassment and gratitude. Weston's teasing had a way of lightening the mood, and it was clear that he enjoyed poking fun at my emotions. Despite my reluctance, I couldn't deny that his friendship had become a bright spot in my otherwise tumultuous life.

Flashback over

While lost in my thoughts and deeply engrossed in a book, I suddenly felt someone snatch it from my grasp. It was Ivan, the source of my recent unease.

"Could you please return the book? I was at a particularly thrilling part," I requested without extending a greeting.

He sighed and took a seat beside me, returning the book. I resumed my reading, and we sat in silence.

"Why have you been avoiding me, love?" Ivan asked, his tone filled with sadness.

"I haven't been avoiding you. I've been looking after Eliza, who hasn't been feeling well," I replied without looking up from the book.

I heard him sigh again, and he rested his head on my shoulder.

"Do you realize it's been nearly a month since I last saw you?"

"It's okay; you had work. I'm not going anywhere; I'm right here," I attempted to keep the jealousy out of my voice but failed.

His hand cupped my face, forcing me to look at him. I took in his appearance: a beard, disheveled hair, and visible dark circles on his face. His hand felt unusually warm. Before he could say anything, I reached up to check his temperature, which was noticeably high. I gasped at how warm he was and made him lie on the bed. I placed a damp cloth on his forehead and went to Kayden, asking him to call the royal physician for Ivan. Upon returning to my room, I continued changing the damp cloth, all the while feeling Ivan's eyes fixed on me.

Kayden brought the royal physician with him, who examined Ivan thoroughly and diagnosed him with exhaustion. I couldn't help but glare at Ivan. I continued changing the damp cloth to lower his fever. I asked Kayden to keep an eye on Ivan while I left the room and instructed all the servants not to disturb Ivan during the period the royal physician had prescribed for his rest in case I was absent. Upon my return to the room, I found Ivan asleep. I took my place on the floor near his bed, diligently changing the damp cloth to maintain his normal body temperature.

As I tended to Ivan's comfort, his steady breathing indicated that he was finding much-needed rest. The dimly lit room held an air of tranquility, broken only by the soft rustling of the cloth as I diligently attended to him.

My thoughts wandered, and I began to ponder the complexity of our relationship. Ivan had been a source of both frustration and attraction, a person I couldn't quite decipher. As I continued to care for him, my earlier resolve to keep my distance started to waver.

The sound of his breathing remained a constant, a soothing rhythm in the quiet room. In that moment, I couldn't deny the concern that had welled up within me. Ivan's well-being had become a priority, and it was a realization that weighed on my mind.

Throughout the night, I remained vigilant, tending to Ivan's needs as he slept. The room was hushed, with only the occasional crackle of the damp cloth breaking the silence. Ivan's breathing, though labored due to his fever, provided some comfort as a reminder of his presence.

As the first rays of dawn began to filter through the curtains, Ivan stirred. His eyelids fluttered open, and he looked around, momentarily disoriented. When his gaze settled on me, a faint smile tugged at the corners of his lips.

"You've been watching over me all night, haven't you?" he murmured, his voice still raspy from exhaustion.

Indeed, I had been keeping a silent vigil by Ivan's side throughout the night, and his acknowledgment of my dedication warmed my heart. I nodded in response to his question, a gentle smile forming on my lips as I leaned in closer to assess his condition.

I reached out and tenderly placed my palm on his forehead, my fingers brushing his disheveled hair. The warmth that had previously radiated from him had now begun to subside, a promising sign that his fever was slowly receding. Ivan's skin felt less heated under my touch, and I sighed with relief.

As the room bathed in the soft, early morning light, I continued to monitor his temperature, periodically checking his forehead. Time seemed to blur as I diligently cared for him, occasionally dampening the cloth and soothingly swiping it across his forehead. It was a simple yet intimate act, one that spoke volumes about the depth of my concern for him. Despite the complexities of our relationship, my primary focus in that moment was Ivan's well-being.

As the minutes turned into hours, I noticed that Ivan's fever was gradually returning to normal levels. The tension in his body seemed to ease, and his breathing became less labored. It was a hopeful sign that he was on the mend.

With his fever finally under control, I quietly continued to care for him, ensuring he was comfortable and at ease. My touch was gentle and nurturing, a silent expression of my care and affection for the man who had been both an enigma and a source of attraction in my life.

The room remained tranquil, with only the sounds of our breathing and the occasional rustling of the damp cloth breaking the stillness. In that serene moment, I couldn't help but wonder about the future and the evolving nature of our connection.

Author's Note:

In this chapter, we delve into the complex dynamics between Cassandra and Ivan, highlighting their tension and unspoken emotions. Cassandra grapples with jealousy and concern for Ivan while her friend Weston adds humor by playfully teasing her about her hidden feelings. As the chapter unfolds, we see both Cassandra and Ivan's vulnerability, especially when Ivan's exhaustion brings them closer. Their unspoken connection and subtle gestures of affection complicate their relationship. This chapter explores themes of love, jealousy, and evolving connections in the midst of complexity, setting the stage for future developments.

Thank you for joining on this journey.

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