Chapter 10: Embracing Uncertainty

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Ivan's POV

In the solitude of my study, my mind was a carousel of thoughts, revolving around that fateful moment when Eliza had delivered the news of Cassandra's fall and the anguishing two days that followed. The wait for her to regain consciousness had been an excruciating ordeal, each passing moment a relentless reminder of the uncertainty that enveloped our lives.

Cassandra and I had never been the conventional husband-and-wife duo. Instead, we had forged a bond as best mates and partners, standing by each other's side through thick and thin. Our families had shared a longstanding friendship, and it was at my request that our marriage had been arranged. Kayden, Cassandra's twin brother, had always been aware of my deep affection for his sister.

However, when Cassandra finally awoke, it was as though a chasm had opened between us. She no longer recognized me, her once-familiar gaze now filled with confusion and detachment. It was a painful revelation, akin to losing a piece of my own soul.

My suspicions intensified as I observed Cassandra and Lady Eliza, who had historically clashed, conversing with a level of ease and camaraderie that seemed otherworldly. Their newfound closeness perplexed me, particularly since tensions had always simmered between them since Kayden had eloped with Lady Eliza, leaving Cassandra to marry me.


"Lady Eliza, may I ask you something?" I had ventured to inquire.

"Yes, sure," she had responded.

"How is it that you and Raven," I had hesitated, "how can you two talk with such ease? It's as though you've been best friends for years."

Lady Eliza had laughed softly. "What do you mean? We've always been like this. She's my best friend."

Her response had only deepened my suspicion, leaving me bewildered and anxious.

Flashback Over

My doubts solidified one day when I inadvertently overheard Cassandra and Lady Eliza discussing the baffling notion of time travel. Their words made no sense, and I was left grappling with the enigmatic nature of their conversation.

However, my suspicions were undeniably confirmed when Cassandra came to visit me. This Cassandra was a stranger to me—a polite and understanding version of herself, prioritizing the comfort of others above her own. It was a stark departure from the bold and fiery Cassandra I had known.

My thoughts were abruptly interrupted when my best friend, Weston Hayes Ashford, barged into my study, his face carrying a weight of concern. Despite his sullen demeanor, I couldn't help but offer a playful smile.

"Well, well, who do we have here?" I teased.

"Is Cassandra okay?" Weston inquired with genuine worry.

"Yes, don't worry, she is more than fine," I reassured him.

Weston's concern deepened, and he remarked, "Yes, I can see that, considering she doesn't even recognize me. How can you say she is fine?" His expression turned solemn.

I sighed, my shoulders heavy with the burden of the truth. "The fall she took affected her memory. She didn't recognize me when she woke up, and that must have startled her. She had been avoiding me for the past two weeks."

"So, what do we do now?" Weston asked, his voice laden with uncertainty.

"Let it be," I responded with a smile, recalling the unexpected tumble and Cassandra's adorable blushing face. "She's been opening up and talking to me, so I think she needs her time to adjust."

Weston seemed puzzled but continued, "Am I missing something here?"

I sighed and proceeded to explain everything in detail, including the conversation I had overheard between Lady Eliza and Cassandra.

"So, you're saying that the Cassandra in your room is not the Cassandra we knew?" Weston summarized.

I nodded, conflicted about my next steps.

Weston chuckled, making me curious. "This is your second chance to make things right."

I looked at him, hinting for him to elaborate.

"I mean, she never saw you as anything more than a friend. What if you seize this opportunity to show her a side of you she's never seen—a husband who loves her deeply?"

"I want to, but I don't know," I confessed, my heart heavy with uncertainty.

Weston's encouragement was unwavering. "A few minutes ago, I saw a very soft smile on your face, and the last time I saw that smile was when you fell for her."

"But what if she goes back to the world she once belonged to?" I voiced my fear.

Weston's words were filled with wisdom. "I think that's something filled with uncertainty, and it's beyond our control. So let's just accept the present and live it to the fullest."

His advice provided clarity about my relationship with Cassandra. "Thank you, Wes."

"Don't thank me. Just make sure Cassandra knows about me, okay?" Weston pouted, his playful side returning.

I couldn't help but laugh at his antics. We continued to chat for a while before both of us left for our respective rooms, ready to face the uncertain future with newfound determination.

Author's Note:

In this chapter, we delve into Ivan's perspective and the internal struggle he faces as he grapples with the mysterious changes in Cassandra's behavior. The revelation of time travel and its impact on their relationship raises new questions and uncertainties. Will Ivan be able to navigate this uncharted territory and find a way to bridge the gap between him and the woman he loves?

Thank you for joining us on this journey of uncertainty and self-discovery,

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