Chapter 18: Unveiled Desires

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For the next few days, I maintained a silent vigil, tending to Ivan's needs with as few words as possible. Despite his persistent attempts to initiate conversations, I kept my responses curt and distant. The only moments I allowed myself to gaze upon him were when he lay soundly asleep, his features softened in the embrace of dreams. It was during these tranquil interludes that I could briefly observe him without the memory of the lady and Ivan weighing on my mind.

One night, as I rose from the bed and wandered toward the window, my thoughts ensnared me, preventing me from noticing Ivan's presence until it was too late. Suddenly, he stood behind me, and before I could react, he had me trapped between his towering frame and the cold glass of the window. My heart raced, and a shiver coursed through my body, but I remained lost in the tumult of my thoughts, unaware of the storm brewing just inches away from my trembling form.

As I stood there, enveloped in the cocoon of my own contemplations, I failed to sense Ivan's silent approach. His proximity sent a shiver down my spine, and I felt my pulse quicken as I became acutely aware of the space between us narrowing.

Ivan's presence, so close behind me, made my breath catch in my throat. I could feel the warmth of his body radiating through the thin fabric of my nightgown. I dared not turn to meet his gaze; my eyes remained locked on the inky night beyond the window, my refuge.

"Turn around, Cassandra," his command sliced through the silence, the first time he had called me by my name. Until now, he had always addressed me by my middle name. Still, I couldn't bring myself to obey. The tempest of emotions within me raged on, and my gaze remained steadfastly fixed on the ground.

Minutes stretched like eternity, and then, without warning, I felt myself being turned around. Ivan's strong, yet gentle grip on my shoulders compelled me to face him, but even then, I couldn't muster the courage to meet his gaze. Instead, my eyes remained cast downward, my lashes brushing against my cheeks as I focused on some invisible point on the floor.

The air between us crackled with unspoken tension. The room seemed to hold its breath, waiting for the inevitable collision of our emotions, but for now, I stood there, trapped in the in-between, a prisoner of my own uncertainty.

His fingers gently grasped my chin, tilting my face upward to meet his eyes. It was the first time in days that I had looked directly into those familiar, searching eyes, my breath caught, and I could feel his warmth seeping into my very core.

"What is it that has been troubling you, Cassandra?" he asked, his voice soft and earnest, a stark contrast to the commanding tone he had used earlier.

"You... you need to rest," I stammered, attempting to deflect his probing question. I tried to avert my gaze, the memories and emotions swirling within me too overwhelming to confront all at once.

But Ivan wasn't easily deterred. He leaned closer, his voice soft and filled with concern. "Answer me, love," he implored, his words gentle as a caress.

"Nothing," I finally whispered, my voice trembling. I knew it was a feeble attempt to dodge his question, but I wasn't ready to confront the truth just yet. "Please, get to bed. You need to rest."

"It's not nothing when you have been avoiding me like this," he said, leaning closer, making our faces just inches apart.

"Let it go, Ivan. Please get back to bed and rest," I managed to say despite our closeness.

"Try again, love," he urged.

"I saw you with that lady that day in your office, and a few days earlier, you were quite comfortable with her," I muttered in a very low voice.

"You were jealous?" he asked.

I closed my eyes and nodded, feeling embarrassed.

"Open your eyes for me, love," he asked, a glint of happiness in his voice.

"No, you're going to tease me," I replied hesitantly.

"I promise I won't," he assured me.

Reluctantly, I opened my eyes, and I saw him smiling genuinely for a moment.

"The lady you saw was Weston's fiancée. She came here to plan a surprise for Weston," he explained, still wearing that teasing smile.

Oh, how I wished the earth would open up and swallow me at that very moment. Anger and embarrassment welled up within me as the realization hit me like a tidal wave. I wanted to strangle Weston for not sharing this vital information with me, for allowing me to stew in jealousy and uncertainty. The urge to confront him about his silence gnawed at me, but for now, I had a more immediate concern—facing Ivan's knowing gaze as my cheeks burned with shame.

Ivan's teasing smile remained firmly in place, his eyes dancing with amusement. He seemed to relish my discomfort, finding it thoroughly entertaining. I couldn't blame him; after all, he had endured days of my distant behavior, and now he had the upper hand.

As the seconds ticked by, the weight of his unspoken amusement hung heavy in the air. I couldn't hold back any longer, and my frustration spilled over. "You find this amusing, don't you?" I muttered, my voice a mixture of embarrassment and annoyance.

Ivan's grin widened, and he chuckled softly, a melodious sound that warmed my heart despite my exasperation. "Well, love, I must admit it's not often that I get to see you flustered like this."

I sighed in defeat, realizing that there was no escaping Ivan's playful teasing.

"Now you know, get back to bed and rest," I said, trying to avoid his gaze.

"Shh," he silenced me by placing his finger on my lips. Shivers ran through my whole body as his touch sent a jolt of electricity through me.

Author's Note:

In this chapter, we delve deeper into the complex dynamics between Cassandra and Ivan, as  the unspoken emotions that bind them. Jealousy, vulnerability, and longing come to the forefront as their connection evolves amidst a backdrop of uncertainty and unresolved tension. As always, I appreciate your continued readership and hope you enjoy this unfolding journey.

With warm regards,

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