Chapter 16: Revelations and Realizations

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Cassandra's POV:

The past few weeks have been a time of unparalleled bliss, as I found myself falling deeper in love with Ivan. However, he had become even busier than before, and our paths rarely crossed as they used to. Our interactions had been limited to simple morning and evening greetings.

Today, I was on my way to Ivan's office with his lunch, having received word that Ivan had not eaten anything. Without bothering to knock, I entered his office, only to be taken aback. There, before me, was a beautiful lady engaged in deep conversation with Ivan. Neither of them noticed my presence. Silently, I placed his food on a nearby table and left as quietly as possible.

As I exited his office, I unexpectedly collided with Kayden.

"Are you alright, Cassie?" he inquired with concern, checking to ensure I wasn't hurt.

"I'm alright, just leaving," I replied, avoiding his gaze, knowing how adept he was at detecting my lies.

"You're leaving without seeing your husband," he raised an eyebrow.

"He's busy with someone."

"Don't tell me you're feeling jealous," he teased.

"No, why would I? Let's drop it. Where is Eli?" I changed the subject of our conversation.

"She's in our room. And before you go, do you want me to talk to Ivan for you?"

"No, it's alright; he's quite busy," I unintentionally let my jealousy creep into my voice.

"Hmm, someone's feeling a little jealous," Kayden continued to tease, a playful smile dancing on his lips.

"No, I'm not. Quit it," I snapped, feeling a surge of frustration. I turned away and hurried off to find Eliza.

"Eliza," I sighed as I entered her room, my voice heavy with weariness.

"Cass, are you okay? You look like someone punched you in the gut," Eliza observed with concern. She was my anchor in this world, the one person I could confide in.

"I'm okay. I heard that you're not feeling well," I said, genuinely worried about her, though Ivan and the mysterious woman still haunted my thoughts.

"I'm alright, just a bit under the weather."

"I'll stay here and take care of you," I declared firmly, leaving no room for discussion.

"You're the Queen; you can't do this. You have to adhere to the regulations," she tried to reason with me, but my thoughts were consumed by Ivan and the enigmatic woman.

"Eli, please."

"Alright, I'll ask Kayden to find another chamber."

"Or we can stay in my old chamber?"

"That would be more convenient." We quickly packed a few of her belongings and moved to my former chamber.

As I entered the chamber that had once been mine, memories of the first time I opened my eyes in this world rushed back to me. I helped Eliza settle in, and for the next few days, I took care of her. This meant I didn't see Ivan for a while, though it wasn't like he came to see me anyway.

As Eliza spoke, her voice filled with a mixture of wonder and emotion, I couldn't help but be drawn into the incredible story she was sharing. Her eyes sparkled with tears as she recounted the unbelievable encounter with her elder brother, Weston, in this alternate world.

"Cass," she began, her voice trembling with excitement, "you won't believe what happened. I walked into the room, and there he was, my elder brother, Weston. In our world, he had died at such a young age, and I had held onto his memory for years. But there he stood, right in front of me, alive and well."

I could hear the tremor of emotion in her words as she continued, "When he looked into my eyes, it was as though time stood still, and recognition dawned on his face. I called his name, and a smile slowly spread across his face. I couldn't hold back anymore, Cassandra. I rushed into his arms, holding him like I never wanted to let go."

As Eliza's voice wavered, I couldn't help but feel the depth of her emotions. "All those years of missing him, the pain of losing him... It all just vanished in that moment," she confessed, her gaze distant as if reliving the memory. "I felt the warmth of his embrace, heard the steady rhythm of his heartbeat, and realized that the impossible had become real. My brother, who I thought was forever gone in my world, is alive here, and it's like a miracle I never dared to dream of."

As Eliza's voice quivered with emotion, I couldn't help but feel a mix of happiness for her and a profound longing in my own heart. While I rejoiced in her miracle, I couldn't help but wonder if such a miracle existed for me. Would Ivan's heart find its way back to mine, or would it remain lost in the depths of his world, leaving me to grapple with my jealousy and sadness in the shadows of this alternate reality? Only time would tell.

Author's Note:

In this chapter, we delve into Cassandra's perspective, revealing the complexities of her emotions as she navigates a challenging situation. Jealousy and longing begin to cast shadows over her newfound love, and her bond with Eliza remains a source of solace and support in this alternate world. The mysteries surrounding Ivan and the beautiful woman deepen, setting the stage for further twists in this unfolding story.

With warmest regards,

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