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luke: im on my way (:

sam: okay! (:

she grabbed her black leggings, slipping them up her legs before tossing on a random band t-shirt, which coincidentally enough was a 5sos shirt. it was an old one, the logo being the old five talky mark symbol, a symbol that was no longer allowed to be theirs.

she was slipping on her black vans when she heard her mother call her name. she rushed out of her room, darting down the steps but froze when she saw the door open and the look on her mothers face. "samantha, what is your favorite boy band doing at our house?" sam flushed, swatting at her mothers arm playfully before looking at the boy that was standing outside her front door.

"we're just hanging out, mom. i'll be home later?" she told the older woman, pressing a quick and sweet peck to her mothers cheek before out the door she was with the lead singer. "sorry about her, she can be a tad bit embarrassing." she said quietly after she shut the door behind herself.

luke chuckled at her, them both walking over to his car. he opened the door for her, her smile being her thank you. "its fine, my mom is the same way. she's already demanding to meet you." this made sam's cheeks burn. luke was telling his mom about her?

after luke climbed in the car, she buckled her seatbelt and they were off. while they were driving, her phone vibrated from her lap, her eyebrows furrowing as she looked down at it.

addie: you busy? i need some company.

sam hesitated. she felt so bad for asking, but she knew she couldn't just abandon her friend when she was in need, not when she was always there for addie. "hey, luke?"

he briefly glanced over at her, her cheeks flushing at just that simple action. "can we um, pick up addie too? she just texted me and she sounds sad."

luke immediately nodded, handing his phone over to the girl who stared at it puzzled. "put her address in." he told the small girl, who just gave him a small smile and typed in the address.

luke took a turn to make a detour towards her friends house, her eyes watching all the cars passing by before realizing she should tell her friend they were coming.

sam: be ready in five, i'm coming to get you.

sam knew addie didn't know that her luke was luke hemmings. she was about to be in for a really big surprise.

sam: when you get in the car, do not freak out.

addie: um, okay?

as they pulled into her driveway, she was waiting on her front porch. the windows were tinted so addie couldn't see in, but sam knew she would probably freak out anyway. "if she gets overly excited, i'm really sorry." she told luke, who just laughed and waved it off.

when addie opened the door and revealed luke hemmings in the drivers seat, she was stunned. as promised though, she didn't freak out. on the outside anyway. "so," addie started once the three were already headed back towards the hotel the boys were staying at. "you never told me you were fucking luke hemmings."

sam choked on air at her friends blunt statement. luke just laughed. "we're not—im not— hes not—"

"is that why you always blush at his poster in your room?" addie blurted, sam hiding her pink face in her hands as luke cooed at the small girl.

"you blush at just my poster?" luke teased, sam gently swatting his hand away as he tried pulling her hands away from her face. "aw, babe, it's cute."

her face tinted even darker, if that was even possible, at the petname. but, what made her face grow even darker was when he rested his hand on her thigh. butterflies swarmed her stomach at his touch, her head turning to look out the window, avoiding any eyes from the car.

when they reached the hotel, luke parked around back to avoid the paparazzi, rushing to open the door for sam. she thanked him softly, him taking her by surprise when his hand slipped in hers after she got out.

their hands stayed locked together as they entered the hotel elevator, addie playfully rolling her eyes at them. "ew. love."

sam sent a small glare to her friend, luke just chuckling at her. when the elevator reached the seventh floor, the doors opened and luke lead the two down the hallway. his hand broke from sams to open the hotel room door, sam pouting slightly at the loss of contact. 'what are you doing?' she thought to herself. 'you're just friends, stop.'

she didn't have long to linger on the thought as luke lead the girls in, their eyes spotting the rest of the band sitting on the couch frozen with their eyes locked onto the two girls.

"is that her?"

"that's sam?"

"who is her friend?"

the three questions were thrown at the same time, sam holding her breath due to being unsure if those were meant in a bad way.

"she's so pretty, luke!"

"she's so out of your league."

"who, is, her, friend?"

sam flushed, her head dropping to avoid their eyes and hide her pink tinted cheeks. it was weird, hearing your idols cooing over you when it's usually the other way around. "hi! i'm ashton, and luke never shuts up about you." ashton grinned, holding his hand out to the small girl. she shook it gently before luke smacked ashton in the back of the head. "you're so pretty—ow, fuck luke."

she giggled, the sound stealing luke's heart once again. "thank you. you're pretty too." she said back, her voice smooth like silk, which sent shivers down luke's spine.

"aw! she called me pretty, cal!"

"i'm calum." he ignored ashton, holding his hand out to the girl who was next to sam. sam knew deep down addie was internally screaming at the fact that her idol was taking special interest in her, a feeling sam knew all too well.

a couple hours later, after beating the poor girl at fifa countless times, the boys all headed to bed and addie's mom came to get her, sam was still with luke. the two were laid out in luke's bed, talking mindlessly about any and everything.

"okay, my question." she suddenly said, luke grinning over at her. "if your dream didn't work, where would you be?"

"hopefully in denver curled up with a pretty girl named sam in a pretty house." he winked, sam's face flushing for what seemed to be the thousandth time since she got in luke's car hours earlier.

"god! you are such a fuckboy!" she giggled, smacking the other with a pillow. he gaped at her, grabbing a different pillow and smacked her back. it was her turn to gape at him, hitting him once more until a full on pillow fight broke out.

the laughter that echoed around the room was loud, and the pillows were taking all the heat from hitting each other. luke couldn't help but take note of just how pretty the girl was with her big green doe eyes and contagious smile that warmed luke inside.

she kept sneaking glances of luke before pulling her phone out and snapped a picture of him mid laugh, something she'd cherish forever. luke snorted at her, pulling his phone out and snapped a quick photo of the cheesy girl.

the two were happy, and when the pillow fight finally finished, they laid back in luke's bed, snapping silly pictures of the two of them until they drifted off to sleep.

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