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it had been two months since they started the tour, and since luke's PR started with arzaylea. due to how packed the schedules were, luke and sam barely got to see each other, bumming both of them out.

as sam got ready for the day in her room on the bus, she heard the annoying giggle of the devil herself. she rolled her eyes at the sound, glaring at michael who was laying on her bed as he tossed the ball up in the air. "mikey, move, you're on my clothes." sam whined quietly, tugging at the pants that were under the boy.

"maybe you should just shove him off the bed." ashton piped up, sam sending him an eye roll before addie started shoving at michael until sam successfully grabbed her pants from under him. "see, addie understands."

sam sent addie a thankful glance, tugging the jeans up her legs before buttoning them. "is she leaving at the next stop?" sam asked, annoyance laced in her tone. ashton mumbled under his breath, something about how he wished she'd fall off the moving bus which earned him a smack from sam.

"dont act like you werent thinking the same thing!" he pointed out, her giggle slipping out involuntarily which made ashton grin widely. "come on, i'm hungry and i'm not going out there by myself." he whined, grabbing the girls hand and tugged her out of the room before she could protest.

"ashton—" she started, stopping when her eyes met luke's. his face lit up when he saw the girl, standing and waving at her. she sent him a small wave back before ashton was pulling her into the kitchen. "i was trying to say hi to luke, asston."

ashton rolled his eyes, opening and closing random cabinets. "trust me, when asparagus is around, you wanna keep your distance. why do you think all of us are in your room? well, minus calum, he's asleep, but still!"

sam groaned, jumping up to sit on top of the cabinet as she hid her face in her hands. "i thought he would at least spend some time with me, but he's always off with her. i never get to see him anymore."

ashton frowned at sam, moving to stand between her legs, resting his hands on her shoulders. "if it was up to luke, you'd be together all the time. she's keeping him on a tight leash because she knows he doesn't actually want her."

sam nodded slightly, opening her mouth to speak only to hear someone clearing their throat. both of them turned and saw luke standing there, a hardened expression on his face as he looked at their proximity. "was just letting you guys know we're at the hotel, but sorry to interrupt."

"luke—" sam started but luke was already walking away. she cursed to herself before hopping down and chasing after the blonde who was halfway out of the bus. "luke, wait!"

he paused, turning to look back at her. his expression was something she couldn't read, and his eyes were hard and cold, something she'd never seen before. "what, sam?"

her heart faltered a little. he never called her sam. it was always babe, or sammy. "i, uh, nevermind." she muttered, walking away from him and towards the hotel. she'd grab her things afterwhile, wanting nothing more than to be alone at the moment.

as she walked into the lobby, her eyes searched for the desk and immediately made her way over with a small smile. "room for rayne?" she asked, tapping her fingers on the counter. she heard footsteps behind her, turning slightly to catch a glimpse of luke and arzaylea holding hands, a sight that made her sick to her stomach. "thank you." she said after grabbing the key from the attendant before starting to walk towards the elevators.

as she was walking away, she heard the bitch's voice speak up. "room for hemmings." her heart sank. they were sharing a room? she pushed the thoughts from her head as she slipped inside the elevator and rode it to her floor.

after finding her room, she locked herself inside, her heart racing. if it was all for show, why were they sharing a hotel room? they had never done that before. and she had never rode that long in the tour bus. lucky for them, they had four shows in miami this week so they all got to stay in a hotel instead of the bus.

things in the last two months had been rocky between the two friends? she wasn't sure what they were, considering one moment he was distant and the next he was telling her that she was gorgeous and he liked her. it had been a rollercoaster of emotions for sam, and she was having trouble keeping up.

a knock at her door broke her from her thoughts. she had half the mind to ignore whoever it was, but she was too nice for that. she stood from the bed, moving over to the door and opened it. before she could react, luke was barging in her room. "come in, i guess." she mumbled, shutting the door before turning towards him.

he avoided her eyes for a moment, scuffing his feet until he finally spoke. "what was that in the kitchen, sam?" his voice was a little loud, causing the small girl to flinch at it. "i mean, i thought you and i.." he trailed off, pausing before he continued, "and-and then i find you all cozy up to ash? what the hell was that?"

she frowned, kicking her feet slightly as her gaze dropped to the floor. "he was consoling me. that's all it was." she mumbled quietly, wanting to deescalate the conversation before it took a turn in the wrong direction.

"it sure didn't look that way." he scoffed, turning to face the windows as he tried to calm himself down. he shouldn't be speaking to her this way, and he knew it, but when he saw them so close, he was just so angry. even the thought of it was bringing the anger back over and over. "we kissed, sam. we kissed and now you and ashton?"

she stared at the tall man in disbelief. "there's nothing between me and ashton." she said, her eyes watering a little as she stepped over to him and gently reached for his hand, only for him to snatch his hand from hers. "luke, please."

"its how it looked, samantha." he whispered, shaking his head at her. his phone vibrated, his eyes dropping to look down at it. his gaze hardened as he turned towards the girl. his eyes met hers for a second before he looked away. "i gotta go, arz needs my help with her stuff."

as he began to walk toward the door, sam stared at the boy in shock. "luke, we need to talk about this, don't go."

"i have to, she needs me." he mumbled, grabbing the handle as sam wiped at her eyes before calling out to him.

"who's more important here, luke? me or her?" she hollered, her heart racing inside her chest.

luke froze at her question, his grip tightening on the door. a few moments passed as she waited for an answer, hopeful that he would pick her. his head turned slightly to look at her from the corner of his eye, him swallowing thickly. "she didn't go off with my best friend when i didn't give her enough attention." he whispered, sam's heart dropping to her stomach.

"i didn't go off with ashton, i wasn't even fucking doing anything. you've just conjured up this whole idea in your head and made me the villain when i did nothing wrong. i think you're just scared of how i make you feel." she rambled, searching for anything to make him stay. "luke, please. i came here for you, and i want to be with you—"

"i'm not doing this, i have to go." he snapped, opening the door and walking out. he regretted it immediately when he heard the sounds of her quietly crying, but he didn't stop and continued to walk away.


i know ive been updating multiple times a day but this may be the last update for a week or so. there's a lot going on but i will do my best to put out an update once or twice this week.

i hope you're having a blessed day & thanks for reading <3

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