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the pair woke up two hours later, groggy and confused as to why they were asleep on the couch. nevertheless, they both got up, agreeing to meet in ashton's room in an hour, giving them both time to get cleaned up.

sam and luke both climbed into the shower with wide smiles on their faces, daydreaming about the earlier events. everything felt like it was moving in slow motion, both of the two lovers on cloud nine.

after her shower, she climbed out, humming along to a song playing from her phone. "now you're lost! lost in the heat of it all!" she sang, her towel wrapped tight around her body as she danced around out of the bathroom. "girl you know you're lost! lost in the thrill of— ah!" she screamed, seeing michael sitting on her bed. "fucking hell, dude, you scared the shit out of me."

he stared at her silently, his eyes searching her face, seeming to be looking for something. "what weirdo? never seen a girl naked?" she teased, michael's eyes rolling as he crossed his arms over his chest. "if you'll go, i'd like to get—,"

"you fucked luke, didn't you?" michael accused, sam raising an eyebrow as she looked at him.

she scoffed, grabbing her clothes before stepping back into the bathroom, leaving the door cracked so she could still hear him. "and that's your business how?" she asked, using her towel to dry her body before typing her hair up with it.

"i thought we tell each other everything, but you didn't tell me." she could literally feel the pout on his face, shaking her head at the man-child that was hiding out in her room.

she slipped on her undergarments before starting to pull the pajama pants up her legs. "we had sex, fell asleep, and then i took a shower. where in between there did i have time to call and say 'oh yeah, just giving you an update: i fucked luke'?" she scoffed, michael groaning at her smart ass remark.

she buttoned the pants, tossing a random cropped tee on before stepping out from the bathroom and made her way to her suitcase. "okay, fair. i miss you though, when are we gonna have a mike and sam night?"

she sighed, shrugging her shoulders. "we can tonight?" she offered, removing the towel from her hair, grabbing her brush and brushed through the nappy curls.

"no, we're all hanging out as a group tonight in ashton's room. movie night." he pointed, causing her to look like a lightbulb went off in her mind. "how about tomorrow night?" he asked, looking over at her with pleading eyes.

she sighed, giving in almost instantly as she nodded her head. "okay, we'll play fifa." she confirmed, michael grinning widely. "but, luke and addie can join." michael thought about it before reluctantly agreeing, solely because addie would be there.

"are you almost ready? everyone's waiting for us." he told her, his attention now down at his phone as he texted luke back that they were about to head down. "you look cute." he complimented, sam smiling over at him as she applied mascara to her lashes.

"thank you, and yes. all i need to do is put shoes on." she told him before sitting her mascara aside and grabbing her nikes. she slipped socks on before tugging the white shoes on and stood from the bed. "okay, lets go grumpy."

the pair walked down the hall to ashton's room, knocking gently until the door was pulled open, revealing a smiling ashton. "hey guys, everyone's in the living room, come on." he stepped aside, letting the two enter. sam slowly followed behind the two boys, her hand clasped together in front of herself, eyes scanning until they landed on luke.

when she looked over, his eyes were already on her with a soft smile, patting the seat next to him. as she went to go take the spot, michael quickly sat down which made sam pout. "i was saving that for sam." luke stated, eyes narrowing at the boy. michael shrugged, stealing a handful of popcorn from calum's bowl as sam stood there awkwardly.

"you snooze you lose." he sassed, sam rolling her eyes as she walked over and started to sit in front of luke but was yanked back onto his lap. her face flushed, thankful the lights were out or else she would be teased for her pink cheeks.

"just sit on my lap, baby." sam's eyebrows furrowed as she nodded, leaning back against his chest, ashton finally hitting play on the movie.

addie snorted, turning her head to look back at the curly haired boy. "how to lose a guy in ten days, really?" ashton shrugged, all of our eyes landing on him which caused a light blush to coat his cheeks.

"it's a good movie." he defended, addie giggling which made sam giggle as well. "what? it is!"

sam leaned back against luke's chest, smiling small when she felt his lips press a kiss to her bare shoulder. "you want a blanket?" luke whispered to her, sam starting to say no but knew she didn't wanna be cold the whole movie.

"please?" she whispered back, tilting her head to the side to look at him.

he gave her a smile, leaning forward to peck her lips before tapping her thigh gently to signal her to get up. she obliged, watching as he went to retrieve a blanket from ashton's bed. "aw, aren't you a good boyfriend." calum teased, sam and luke flushing at this, luke flicking calum in the ear before sitting down and pulling sam back onto his lap.

he tossed the blanket over them, sam turning so her legs rested on michael's lap and leaned her side into luke's chest. this was everything she wanted with luke, these cute little moments where he was sweeter than she knew he could be.

"hey," luke whispered to her after ten minutes, her eyes drifting over to him as she raised an eyebrow. "i love you." he whispered, her heart suddenly pounding against her chest.

he said it so casually that it made sam wonder just how long he had known. she felt her eyes grow watery, mentally laughing at herself for getting so emotional. "i love you more." she promised with a whisper, leaning up to press her lips gently onto luke's.

"ew, get a room!" calum yelled, tossing a handful of popcorn at the couple, who broke apart and began to laugh.

ashton groaned, tilting his head back. "you guys make me suicidal, i'm so alone i want to die." he groaned out, luke smacking the back of his head as he rolled his eyes.

"hey, what about mashton?" michael scoffed, ashton sighing as he shook his head at his friend. "mashton for life."

calum dramatically placed his hand onto his chest, staring at michael and ashton from the floor in disbelief. "mashton?! what about cashton?! you cheating asshole!" he then threw a handful at ashton, who glared down at the boy.

"listen here, chow mein—"

"i'm not fucking asian, for fucks sake!"

"you look it."

calum glared, leaning back to pinch ashton's calf, which caused him to yell out in pain. he glared down at his bandmate for a moment before tackling calum down. the two wrestled, throwing funny jokes at one another about calum being asian and ashton being ugly and single.

despite the chaos, for the six of them, they felt home.

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