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the six of them piled into the airport, sam's bags in her hands. she sat down her suitcase, turning to face her best friends, tears shining in all of their eyes. without hesitation, everyone pulled her into a tight hug. it was a bittersweet moment, her heart full of love but also broken in half from having to leave them all.

"i hate that you have to go." michael mumbled into her ear, her sniffle being the only response. they all pulled back, michael snatching her into a tight hug. she chuckled sadly, hearing his little sniffles into her shoulder. "i'm gonna miss you."

she felt her bottom lip quivering but bit down on it to hold everything in. "i'm gonna miss you too." she choked, tightening her grip on the bandmate she had grown closest too besides luke. "we'll facetime every day, and you'll text me all the time to catch up. don't worry, i'm still gonna be there, just.. virtually." she promised, him nodding before pulling away.

ashton was next, tossing his arms around the girl with a solemn expression on his face. she hugged him tight, a sigh leaving his lips. "it won't be the same without you." he said quietly, her heart aching at his words. she wanted so badly to tell him life wouldn't be the same not living with the idiots she had come to know and love, but she knew if she did, she would lose it.

she gave him a tighter squeeze before the two released, her body pulled in by calum this time. he didn't say anything, holding onto her with a frown etched onto his lips. he didn't want to cry in front of everyone, so he settled with a shaky "be safe" before letting go and stepping back.

addie, her best friend since birth, dramatically threw her arms around the girl. "i'm not gonna cry, because i'll see you in like three months, but i will miss you." her quiet laugh caused addie to smile small, squeezing her extra hard before releasing her.

she turned to luke, the tears filling her eyes so fast it made her choke up. she stepped into his arms, a quiet cry leaving her lips as he held onto her. "i love you." she whispered, holding him as if it would be the last time she ever would. "i'll visit every chance i have a break, i promise. we can make this work, i swear."

he sighed, deciding to stay quiet, his mind focused on all the negatives. he kissed her forehead, pulling back to look down at her. "i love you." he said quietly, tears dripping down her cheeks. he wiped them away with his thumbs, frowning before leaning down to press his lips against hers.

their kiss lasted longer than it shouldve, a pit forming in sam's stomach. it felt like a goodbye kiss. she shook the thought from her head, deciding to be optimistic, slowly pulling back to glance up into the sea of blue that she would miss the most. "i'll see you soon." she promised, him giving her a weak smile before nodding.

she pecked his lips one last time before pulling away, eyes glancing around the group. within seconds, they all wrapped around her, her tears now free falling as she clung to them for as long as she could.

"flight 173 to denver colorado boarding now."

she sighed, forcing herself to pull back as she grabbed her suitcase. after placing it on the conveyor belt with all the other luggage, she turned to look back at them one last time. with a sad wave, she turned and walked into the hallway that led to the plane.

AN; sorry for such a SHORT chapter, i'm uploading another right after to make up for it.

dont hate me, pls.

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