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sam looked at herself in the mirror, her white dress making her practically glow. her make up was done beautifully, and her hair was perfectly braided up into a bun, her veil hooked onto the bun.

everything was perfect.

only one thing is wrong; the man at the alter.

she shook the thought from her head, forcing herself to only think of adam. afterall, today was their special day. it was meant only for the two, not the boy of her past.

the door creaked as it was opened, her head turning to see addie slipping into the room with a smile on her face. "it's almost time, are you ready?"

am i ready? she thought to herself, her eyes moving back to the mirror. she zoned out, her mind racing to all different directions, somehow landing back on the blonde who was meant to be forgotten by now. "sam?"

she broke from her thoughts, forcing a smile onto her lips before she nodded her head, picking the ends of her dress up before heading to the door.

the two girls walked down the big set of stairs at the venue, making her way behind a pair of doors. the doors that held the man she was marrying behind them. she felt her chest tighten, second thoughts flooding her mind.

maybe i shouldn't marry him, i'm not over luke.

luke should be a piece of my past, but he's not.

how can i marry a man when my heart belongs to another?

she sighed, shaking them from her mind once more before lining up in her spot. michael came next to her, holding his arm out for her to take. she sent him a small smile, focusing her eyes back to the doors. was she really ready for this? to commit entirely to someone she knew she'd never love like him?

she heard the music playing over the speakers, the doors parting before addie and ralph — a close friend of adam's — started down the aisle. michael, who was walking her down the aisle, glanced over at the bride to be with worried eyes.

he could tell she wasn't in this, not in the way she was supposed to be. he also knew she wouldn't just leave the man in the other room over a lingering love that had left her behind one too many times.

with hesitance, he looked over at her. "are you sure about this?" he asked one final time, watching how the girl tensed at the question. even though that gave michael his answer, she still nodded her head, forcing a small smile.


here comes the bride began to play as the last couple finished down the aisle, the flower girl finishing throwing her petals. the pair stepped in front of the doors, her eyes scanning the room, searching for a blonde hair and blue eyed boy. when he wasn't in sight, her face fell slightly before another false smile was on her lips. they began walking slowly towards the smiling man at the end of the aisle.

her heart was hammering in her chest, nervous about what the future would now hold. would she ever let luke go? or would he always be who she dreamed of?

they reached the alter way too quickly for sam's liking, michael pressing a kiss to her cheek before handing her over to adam. he moved to his seat, his hands clasped in his lap as he watched sam step up onto the alter.

"ladies and gentlemen, you may be seated." the officiant spoke, everyone sitting down in their chairs. "dearly beloved, we gather today to join samantha rayne and adam hamilton in holy matrimony. we are all here to support the commitment of love and to share the joy of samantha and adam as they choose to spend their lives together."

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