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a shower was something samantha needed desperately. she had been sleeping with luke for the past week and only had a chance to shower once a day. normally, the girl showered two-three times, a shower being one of the main things that made her feel better.

luke was adamant about spending every waking moment together after being apart for three weeks, not that she minded. this was the kind of attention she had been wanting from the blonde, so she happily accepted the clinginess.

she sighed when the hot water touched her skin, finally having a moment to think without luke constantly making her laugh so hard she almost peed. a small smile took over her lips as she realized luke was spending all his time with her, a dream coming true for her. despite being 'in love' with luke hemmings, she was falling in love with the real luke behind the closed doors.

sam was a sucker for the blonde with baby blue eyes, so it was no surprise that she rushed in the shower even though she loved long showers. after washing, she immediately slipped out, drying off before slipping on her pajamas. luke was ready to lay down and wouldn't sleep without the girl, so the least she could do was hurry.

after she was dressed, she made her way back over to his bunk, climbing in with a smile. "miss me?"

he chuckled, wrapping his arms around the girl instantly and pulled her back against his chest. "always." he responded, letting the tip of his nose brush against her neck. now, what he didnt know was that very action was something that drove the girl crazy. she definitely wasn't complaining, but she started to feel that feeling in the pit of her stomach again.

luke was quickly taking over her every thought, sometimes a smile snuck on her face at just thinking of him but he doesn't need to know that. she was mesmerized by everything he did, not wanting to miss a single moment of just luke being luke.

she didn't know why she could forgive him so easily, she just felt like she could trust him and that he would keep his word. no matter what went down with them, until he truly does something they could never recover from, she will always forgive him eventually.

luke was laying there, hugging the smaller girl tightly to him. he took a deep breath, loving the fact that her cherry blossom shampoo filled his nose. he had always dreamed of having a girl like sam, now grateful that he may be getting his dream girl.

she was sassy, and hard headed, and absolutely infuriating, but luke adored every minute. while it was way too soon to say he loved her, he was falling for her. every smile she'd send him made his heart swell, and every giggle would nearly cause cardiac arrest. her personality, bubbly and cute, always cheered him up and made him never want to leave.

he knew sam was still upset, and he knew she had every right to be. he put her on the back burner and that wasn't fair to her. despite everything that had happened, he would spend however long it took to make it up to her. and then some cause she'd always give in and forgive him, no matter what — well, a few things i can't forgive — her self conscious added, causing her to scowl slightly at herself.

wanting to ignore the voice in her head, she turned, facing him with a small smile. he returned it, exhaustion in his eyes as he slowly admired the other laying next to him. he lifted his hand, using his finger to brush a hair behind her ear. she flushed at this, biting down on her lip. luke noticed, groaning quietly before his thumb brushed over his lip. "i'm trying really hard not to push you, but you biting your lip is dangerous."

she giggled quietly, biting it once more to playfully taunt the boy, but that's all it took before he had swiftly pinned her to the bed. her eyes widened in surprise as her lips parted, staring up at the blonde, who's lips almost hovered over her own.

her breath hitched, blinking slowly as her eyes locked onto his. his breathing had quickened slightly, his grip ever so lightly tightening on her wrists as he stared down at her, eyes flickering onto her lips. he bent his head down a little more, pausing when just inches were between them. she felt her breathing pick up, her stomach flipping in pure excitement.

"tell me to stop, or i won't be able to stop myself." he spoke quietly, a husky tone to his voice which drove sam absolutely mad. she didn't say a word, growing more excited as he began to lean to eliminate the distance. just as their lips touched barely, the bunk curtain was yanked open, the two of them hurriedly jumping apart.

calum, who had come to collect the two for movie night, raised an eyebrow as he looked between the two of them. "am i interrupting? i can come back."

luke rolled his eyes, climbing off the bunk before taking off to the living room, leaving sam there with a pout. she watched him walk away before hopping down herself and playfully glared at calum. "cockblock." she murmured, a teasing smile sneaking onto her face. calum snickered at this, tossing an arm loosely around the girl before they walked over to the living room together.

sam sat between michael and luke, who were currently arguing over whether mean girls was a classic movie or not.

"mean girls is so a classic. people still quote it and watch it constantly!" luke argued, staring at michael as if he had just sacrificed his first born child.

michael rolled his eyes, shaking his head fast. "no it is not. mean girls is not like the breakfast club or footloose."

"what makes the breakfast club or footloose a classic and not mean girls?"

"well, there are plenty of reasons—"

"name them."

michael's eyes narrowed at the blonde boy, scoffing quietly. "if you wouldn't interrupt me, i would. now, shut the fuck up and listen. for starters, those two movies were made back in the day—"

"so was mean girls."

"mean girls was made in 2004."


"so it wasn't made in the eighties like the other two?"

"why does the eighties make a movie a classic?"

"because it just fucking does, luke."

calum groaned, breaking the two boys from their mini dispute, rolling his eyes at them. "mean girls is not a classic, luke, shut the fuck up. and, the eighties doesn't make a movie a classic, stop arguing with luke, michael. its a losing fight, so shut the fuck up."

sam giggled, calum's eyes darting over to her. he smiled, happy that at least someone could find humor in the petty fight luke and michael were having. who cares if mean girls was or wasn't a classic?

sam felt at home with the boys who fought over something so obsolete, a sense of fondness taking over her. she didn't bother to voice her opinion, feeling like it would be a losing battle. besides..

mean girls will always be a classic to her.

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