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luke: you up?

sam: what do you want luke

luke: im writing this new song but i'm stuck on some lyrics. will you help me?

sam: why on earth would i help you

sam: do you have amnesia or something

luke: please.

sam: no

sam: ask michael

sam: oh wait you cant bc youre an asshole

sam: goodnight

luke: its not for me sam, its for the band

luke: so can you put our bs aside and just help me?

sam: text ashton and have him help

sam: i dont wanna talk to you luke

luke: i promise it wont take long

luke: ill leave you alone after this

sam: swear?

luke: i swear

luke: now please just help me

sam: fine, what do you have so far?

luke: can you come to the living room?

sam: oh for fucks sake luke

luke: please.

sam: i'm coming.

she sat down her phone with a sigh, carefully climbing out of the bed to not wake addie before she made her way into the living room. she saw him sitting on the couch with papers piled around him and a guitar in his lap.

his head lifted when he heard the floor creak, turning to look at her. no words were spoken as she sat on the other couch and stared at him expectantly. "right," he mumbled, starting to strum on the guitar.

"don't talk, let me think it over. how we gonna fix this? how we gonna undo all the pain? tell me, is it even worth it? looking for a straight line, taking back the time we can't replace." he took a breath before continuing, his nerves skyrocketing as he sang in front of the girl the song was about.

"all the crossed wires, just making us tired. is it too late to bring us back to life? when i close my eyes and try to sleep, i fall apart and find it hard to breathe. you're the reason, the only reason. even though my dizzy head is numb, i swear my heart is never giving up. you're the reason, the only reason."

he suddenly stopped strumming and glanced over at her with a tight lipped smile. "that's all thats finished. i have some ideas but i don't know what sounds best."

she sighed, sitting up in her seat before grabbing the paper luke was scribbling different lyric options onto and read through them quickly. "okay, sing the first option."

he started strumming on the guitar again before singing softly, "i see you, crawling under my skin. swear its not the end, i see the spark has left your eyes. tragic events unfolded, everything's broken. is it too late, to save us one more time?"

she shook her head, grabbing his notebook and flipped a couple pages before scribbling down a couple lines before tossing it to him. "try this."

he read it over before taking a deep breath and strumming his guitar once more. "i feel you, burning under my skin. i swear i see you shining, brighten than the flame inside your eyes. bitter words spoken, every things broken. its never too late, to bring us back to life." he stopped, furrowing his eyebrows before looking over at her. "this is really good." he told her, slight surprise evident in his voice.

"thanks." she mumbled with a monotone tone of voice before looking around to avoid his gaze.

"sam, i—,"

"is that all you needed?" she cut him short, his head falling slightly in defeat before shrugging his shoulders lazily.

"yeah—," she got up and started immediately making her way towards the room once more before he yelled, "wait!" which caused her to freeze.

he stood quickly, sitting his guitar aside before making his way over to her. "thank you." he whispered, her body turning and her eyes widened when she noticed how close he was.

her breath hitched in her throat as she took this second to look him over. he looked like shit, his eyes had big bags under them and he looked like he hadn't slept in days. "um, have you been sleeping?" she asked before she could stop herself, luke's eyebrows furrowing together.

"not really." he admitted, scratching the back of his neck. "is it that obvious?"

she gave him the smallest hint of a smile before nodding her head a little. "yeah, kinda."

his eyes flickered down to her lips, which she noticed and took a step back. she shook her head a little, his head nodding slightly before he took a small step back as well. "i'm gonna go back in here and i'll try to keep it down so you can rest. thank you."

she gave him a small forced smile before she grabbed the door handle. "glad i could help." she said softly, his back turned and he started heading back to the living room only to hear her soft voice call out to him. "hey, luke?"

he tilted his head to the side, raising an eyebrow. "yeah?"

"get some sleep, okay?" she said it so quiet luke thought he imagined it, but judging by the concerned look in her eyes he knew he didn't.

he sent her a half smile, tipping his head in a nod. "yeah, night."

she returned the 'night' before slipping back in the room and crawled into bed.

that night, neither of them could sleep because luke didn't know why she was being nice and she didn't know either.

maybe things could be repaired.

"we're leaving in fifteen minutes!" addie yelled through the conjoined rooms, rolling her eyes at all the groans from the boys in the next room.

it had been a full week since the night sam helped luke with his song and things were okay now. michael and calum fixed things between them, michael and luke were on their way to fixing things, and addie and calum put a stop to things before their friendship was ruined.

as for sam and luke, things were okay between them. they could be in the same room and not avoid one another but they weren't exactly on full on conversation terms. they were civil, and that was as good as it was gonna get for now.

the boys were currently on a three day break, and all of them as a group decided to go out to the club tonight. considering no one had anything to do the next day, they figured now was their one chance to have a little fun and just be normal adults.

the six of them made their way down the elevator before jumping in a taxi to head to the club that was downtown. sam couldn't help but sneak glances at luke, missing the looks he'd send back when she looked away.

"i'm so fucking excited, guys. tonight, we get to get so fucked up that we take someone home." calum said giddily, nearly bouncing in his seat. sam's eyes glanced over at addie, smiling slightly when she caught her staring at michael and unbothered by calum's comment.

the six of them jumped out of the uber, making their way inside the club with excited grins on their faces.

tonight was gonna be interesting.

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