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luke: hi sam!

me: holy shit LUCAS

me: sgfg is such a beautiful album

me: im so proud of the boys

me: this is truly a masterpiece

me: luke?

me: ok youre not answering lol

me: lucasssss

luke: im so sorry hi

me: its okay hi luke

me: i liked invisible

me: youve never sent me a photo

me: or even told me more about yourself

me: i mean, i know what your dick looks like

me: but not your face

me: you keep disappearing luke

me: i hope youre okay

me: luke, ive been blasting sgfg for the
whole two HOURS youve been goneee

me: no 'im a fuckboy heres my dick' or

me: man i hate people, they really suck

me: its been three hours luke just say you are okay?

luke: oh shit i am so sorry

luke: i got super busy at...work

luke: its just been a really long day

luke: im really sorry for dippin out sam

me: its okay! im just glad you didnt die or somethin

me: what happened tho?

luke: i uh

luke: we just got busy

me: what do you do for a living

luke: uh music

me: like at a music store?

luke: something like that

me: that sounds cool

luke: yea it has its perks

me: i bet! i have an interview at a music store next week

me: hopefully they hire me

me: it's better pay and more hours

me: i gotta live somehow

luke: yea, life can be hard

me: oooookay.

me: so about that picture

luke: idk

me: cmon ill send one first

me: [image sent]

me: your turn

luke: holy fuck

luke: youre fucking gorgeous

me: aw, thank you

me: im still not sleeping with you (:

luke: man.

luke: you not sleeping with me is doing yourself an injustice

me: luke that literally made no sense

me: anyway, its your turn!

luke: right.

luke: [random tumblr boy image sent]

me: omg youre hot!

me: i mean, i figured

me: you being a fuckboy and all

luke: i am not a fuckboy!!

me: sure lucas

luke: its just luke!!

me: idc you are lucas to me

me: wanna finish our game until we
knock out ?

luke: yes but it wont be long, im sleepy

me: whos turn is it?

luke: ill just go cause i don't remember

luke: whens your birthday?

me: july sixteenth. same as THE luke hemmings

me: be jealous

luke: ME TOO

luke: i mean

luke: its august 16 so jk

me: ok?

me: what famous person dead or alive would you have dinner with and why?

luke: deep

luke: uhhhh probably billie joel because i dont know i just like him

luke: what about you?

me: probably elvis tbh

luke: what why

me: elvis is someone me and my grandfather bonded over before he passed. its like a memory to hold onto. so just for sentimental reasons ig.

luke: thats cute

luke: youre cute

me: shut up lucas

luke: okay

me: its a tie between him and luke hemmings. do you not see how handsome that man is? heaven sent!! istg.

me: luke? its been fifteen minutes

me: did you fall asleep loser

me: yep, okay

me: sweet dreams lucas (:

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